Dy3+掺杂SrGdGa3O7晶体的晶体生长, 结构、光学和可见光荧光特性
王海东1,2,3(), 王燕1,3, 朱昭捷1,3, 李坚富1,3, LAKSHMINARAYANA Gandham4, 涂朝阳1,3()
Crystal Growth and Structural, Optical, and Visible Fluorescence Traits of Dy3+-doped SrGdGa3O7 Crystal
WANG Haidong1,2,3(), WANG Yan1,3, ZHU Zhaojie1,3, LI Jianfu1,3, LAKSHMINARAYANA Gandham4, TU Chaoyang1,3()


Fig. 3. Analysis of XRD results of Dy: SGGM crystal
(a) XRD pattern; (b) Rietveld refinement; (c) Rocking curve of (002) plane