卢维尔1, 董亚斌1,2, 李超波1, 夏洋1, 李楠1

Research Progress on Growth Rate Controlling of Atomic Layer Deposition
LU Wei-Er1, DONG Ya-Bin1,2, LI Chao-Bo1, XIA Yang1, LI Nan1
图9 热型ALDa和PEALDb生长金属Pt时沉积薄膜的厚度与反应循环数的关系曲线 [ 37 ]
Fig. 9 Thickness of platinum films by thermal-ALD vs cycle number at 300 ℃ and the nucleation delay of Pt thermal-ALD to be found is around 70 cycles a and thickness of platinum films by plasma-ALD vs cycle number at 300 ℃ and the nucleation delay of Pt plasma-ALD is around 20 cycles [ 37 ] b