卢维尔1, 董亚斌1,2, 李超波1, 夏洋1, 李楠1

Research Progress on Growth Rate Controlling of Atomic Layer Deposition
LU Wei-Er1, DONG Ya-Bin1,2, LI Chao-Bo1, XIA Yang1, LI Nan1
图4 位阻效应的几种模型示意图
Fig. 4 Schematic illustration for analyzing sterically hindered chemisorptions on the basis of the size of the MLn reactant a Model I by Ritala [ 5 , 18 ] and Morozov [ 6 ] , the size and geometry of the chemisorbed MLz species; b Model II by Ylilammi [ 19 ] , and c size and number of ligands L Model III by Siimon [ 20 ] and Puurunen [ 21 ] Left: side view, right: top view