郭向欣1, 黄诗婷1, 赵宁1, 崔忠慧1, 范武刚1, 李驰麟1, 李泓2

Rapid Development and Critical Issues of Secondary Lithium-air Batteries
GUO Xiang-Xin1, HUANG Shi-Ting1, ZHAO Ning1, CUI Zhong-Hui1, FAN Wu-Gang1, LI Chi-Lin1, LI Hong2
图10 a充放电电压范围2.0~4.0 V、电流密度0.2 mAcm 2 的测试条件下的充放电循环曲线; b放电容量限制在600 mAhg、充电截至电压4.0 V、电流密度0.2 mAcm 2 的测试条件下的充放电循环曲线 [ 36 ]
Fig. 10 Cycle curves measured at a the voltage range from 2.0 V to 4.0 V and a current density of 0.2 mAcm 2 ; and b the voltage range from 2.0 V to 4.0 V and a current density of 0.2 mAcm 2 with limited discharge capacity of 600 mAhg [ 36 ]