何霞1,2, 刘海瑞1,2, 董海亮1,2, 梁建1,2, 张华1,2, 许并社1,2

Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of ZnO/In2O3Heteronanostructures
HE Xia1,2, LIU Hai-Rui1,2, DONG Hai-Liang1,2, LIANG Jian1,2, ZHANG Hua1,2, XU Bing-She1,2
图4 在黑暗条件下有光催化材料和在有可见光的条件下没有光催化材料时对RhB的降解曲线a和不同催化材料在可见光辐射条件下得到的光催化降解曲线b以及表观一阶线性拟合曲线c
Fig. 4 Degradation pro#cod#x0fb01;les of RhB with the photocatalysts in the dark and without photocatalyst under visible light irradiation a, degradation profiles of RhB with different photocatalysts b and the corresponding kinetic linear fitting curves c