LiCoO2电池正极三维微结构的Monte Carlo重构及特征化
吴伟1, 蒋方明1, 陈治2, 汪颖2, 赵丰刚2, 曾毓群2

3D Monte Carlo Reconstruction and Characterization of LiCoO2 Cathode
WU Wei1, JIANG Fang-Ming1, CHEN Zhi2, WANG Ying2, ZHAO Feng-Gang2, ZENG Yu-Qun2
图1 FIB抛光的LiCoO 2 正极切片SEM照片a与经图像处理后的数字化图像b
Fig. 1 SEM image a andb digital image and after image processing of a FIB milled sample region of the LiCoO 2 cathode Pores black, LiCoO 2 gray; Additives light blue