Nano-structure Effect on Solid State Fuel Cells Cathode Durability
HONG Tao, WANG Yao, XIA Chang-Rong
图7 不同老化温度下的实验数据散点和使用 n =4拟合的公式5的结果连续线 Fig. 7 Exerimental data for different aging temperatures are shown discrete points along with the results from the fit of Eq. 5, using n=4 continues lines The dashed lines represent the fit from Q=2.86 eV and B= 1#cod#x000d7;106 #cod#x003a9;#cod#x02022;cm24s, and the solid lines represents the fit from Q=2.52 eV and B=3#cod#x000d7;104 #cod#x003a9; cm24 s[41]