郭富荣1, 田建华1, 胡敏2, 单忠强1

Synthesis of Pt/WO3-C as Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Its Evaluation of Stability
GUO Fu-Rong1, TIAN Jian-Hua1, HU Min2, SHAN Zhong-Qiang1
图1 不同质量比的WO 3 -C复合载体a和不同WO 3 含量的PtWO 3 -C催化剂b的循环伏安曲线
Fig. 1 Cyclic voltammograms of WO3-C supports with different mass ratio a and PtWO3-C catalysts with different contents of WO3 b in the 0.5 molL H2SO4 solution Scan rate: 50 mVs