李帅, 何迪, 刘晓鹏, 张超, 王树茂, 于庆河, 邱昊辰, 蒋利军

Hydrogen Permeation Properties of Alumina Coating on 316L Stainless Steel
LI Shuai, HE Di, LIU Xiao-Peng, ZHANG Chao, WANG Shu-Mao, YU Qing-He, QIU Hao-Chen, JIANG Li-Jun
图4 316L不锈钢氧化铝涂层在不同温度下的稳态氢渗透通量随压强变化关系
Fig. 4 Steady state permeation flux of the alumina coatings on 316L stainless steel as a function of pressure at different temperatures Numbers in the parenthesis are the pressure exponents n ;a, b, c Three series samples prepared in the same conditions