聚合物浸渍裂解法制备C/C-ZrC-SiC-ZrB2复合材料 及其性能研究
解静, 李克智, 付前刚, 李贺军, 姚西媛

Preparation and Properties of C/C-ZrC-SiC-ZrB2 CompositesviaPolymer Infiltration and Pyrolysis
XIE Jing, LI Ke-Zhi, FU Qian-Gang, LI He-Jun, YAO Xi-Yuan
图5 CC-ZrC-SiC-ZrB 2 复合材料烧蚀120 s后的宏观照片a及烧蚀中心的XRD图谱b
Fig. 5 Microphotograph a of CC-ZrC-SiC-ZrB 2 composites after ablation for 120 s and XRD pattern b of the ablation center