于小河1, 卢铁城1,2, 林涛1, 王自磊1, 陶勇1, 廖志君1,3

Preparation of Boron Carbide Spherical Films and Hollow Microsphere
YU Xiao-He1, LU Tie-Cheng1,2, LIN Tao1, WANG Zi-Lei1, TAO Yong1, LIAO Zhi-Jun1,3
图7 不同镀膜时间微球经900℃退火后获得的空心球壳断面的SEM照片
Fig. 7 Cross-sectional SEM images of hollow microsphere coated with different time and annealed at 900℃ a 49 h 50 min; b 74 h 30 min