胡克艳1,2, 徐军2, 汪传勇2, 李红军2, 邹宇琦2, 杨秋红1

Study on Properties of Ti:sapphire Crystals Doped Carbon Grown by the Kyropoulos Technique(KY)
HU Ke-Yan1,2, XU Jun2, WANG Chuan-Yong2, LI Hong-Jun2, ZOU Yu-Qi2, YANG Qiu-Hong1
图2 泡生法钛宝石晶体在生长方向 a 轴[11 0]上的钛离子浓度分布特征
Fig. 2 Titanium distribution characteristics along crystallization direction [11 0] of Ti:sapphire grown by the kyropoulos technique