江虹1,2, 郭瑞松1, 徐江海3, 高沿英1, 邓雅平1

Preparation and Properties of Yttrium Doped Barium Zirconate-cerate Proton Conductors
JIANG Hong1,2, GUO Rui-Song1, XU Jiang-Hai3, GAO Yan-Ying1, DENG Ya-Ping1
图4 C3-Z2试样的XRD图谱与a BaZrO 3 、b BaCeO 3 和c BaCe 0.4 Zr 0.6 O 3 的比较
Fig. 4 XRD pattern of C3-Z2 sample and comparisons with a BaZrO 3, b BaCeO 3 and c BaCe 0.4 Zr 0.6 O 3