王芳1,2,3, 梁春生1,2,3, 徐大亮1,2,3, 曹慧群1,2,3, 孙宏元1,2,3, 罗仲宽1,2,3

Research Progress of Lithium-air Battery
WANG Fang1,2,3, LIANG Chun-Sheng1,2,3, XU Da-Liang1,2,3, CAO Hui-Qun1,2,3, SUN Hong-Yuan1,2,3, LUO Zhong-Kuan1,2,3
图2 锂空气电池的四种构造均以锂金属为负极 [ 3 ]
Fig. 2 Four different architectures of Li-air batteries [ 3 ] , which all assume the use of lithium metal as the anode The three liquid electrolyte architectures are aprotic a, aqueous b, and a mixed aprotic-aqueous system d. In addition, a fully solid state architecture c is also given [ 3 ]