楼腾刚1, 胡炼1, 吴东锴1, 杜凌霄1, 蔡春锋1, 斯剑霄2, 吴惠桢1

Electroluminescent Characteristics of CdSe Colloidal Quantum Dots
LOU Teng-Gang1, HU Lian1, WU Dong-Kai1, DU Ling-Xiao1, CAI Chun-Feng1, SI Jian-Xiao2, WU Hui-Zhen1
图5 a #1号量子点器件7.0 V时EL谱的拟合图和器件的PL谱插图, b #1号量子点器件8.3 V时EL谱的拟合图, c 量子点发光原理示意图
Fig. 5 a EL spectrum and fitting curves at bias voltage of 7.0 V and PL curves of CdSe quantum dot electroluminescent device insert; b EL spectrum and fitting curves at bias voltage of 8.3 V; c Schematic diagram of light emitting of the devices