杜继实1,2, 张涛1,2, 赵丽丽1,2, 宋力昕1,2, 胡行方1,2

Study on Dynamic of Space Ionizing Radiation Induced Coloration in Glasses
DU Ji-Shi1,2, ZHANG Tao1,2, ZHAO Li-Li1,2, SONG Li-Xin1,2, HU Xing-Fang1,2
图1 K9-HL玻璃接受不同加速器粒子辐照作用引起的光学吸收曲线及Gaussian峰分解峰编号下面是峰强度, 即 a 1 : a质子辐照4 d后的测定结果; b质子辐照318 d后的测定结果; c电子辐照2 d后的测定结果; d电子辐照217 d后的测定结果. 注: 光学吸收曲线拟合前经过Savitzky-Golay方法平滑, 参数小于2%
Fig. 1 Optical absorption A=ln[ I 0 I ] spectra of K9-HL glass induced by different particles of accelerator and their Gaussian peak fits it is peak's amplitude under peak's number, a 1 : a Proton irradiation for 4 d; b Proton irradiation for 318 d; c Proton irradiation for 2 d; d Proton irradiation for 217 d. Note: Smoothing was done using Savitzky-Golay method before fit, and level was smaller than 2%