张茂林1, 袁战恒2, 宋建平2, 郑程2

Influence of Surface States on Gas Response Properties of Pt/TiO2
ZHANG Mao-Lin1, YUAN Zhan-Heng2, SONG Jian-Ping2, ZHENG Cheng2
图7 不同工作温度下, PtTiO 2 厚膜样品在H 2 a和O 2 b气氛下的响应时间变化曲线, 气体浓度均为1#cod#x000d7;10 -3
Fig. 7 Response time of PtTiO 2 sensors operated at different temperatures a Exposed to H 2 1#cod#x000d7;10 -3 ; b Exposed to O 2 1#cod#x000d7;10 -3