牟菲1,2, 杨学林1, 代忠旭2, 张露露1, 温兆银3

Effect of Sintering-method on Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4/C Cathode Material
MOU Fei1,2, YANG Xue-Lin1, DAI Zhong-Xu2, ZHANG Lu-Lu1, WEN Zhao-Yin3
图5 a 650℃下动态气氛烧结材料电极不同扫描速率下的循环伏安曲线及b I p #cod#x02013; #cod#x003b3; 12 线性关系
Fig. 5 a CV curves of DA500 sample at different scan rates and b dependence of peak currents on square root of scan rate for DA650 sample