邢娟娟1,2, 顾辉1

Analysis on Equilibrium Shape of Nano-precipitations at Grain Boundaries in Bismuth Doped Strontium Titanate Ceramics
XING Juan-Juan1,2, GU Hui1
图3 a、b和c晶界纳米颗粒的普通TEM图像; d晶界纳米颗粒的高分辨TEM图像及两侧基体晶粒的傅立叶变换花样; e 图c所示区域采集的X射线能量色散谱及相应的空间差分谱
Fig. 3 TEM images a, b and c of nano-precipitations NPs along the grain boundaries; High Resolution TEM image of d nano-precipitation at grain boundary the insets are the corresponding fast Fourier transformation patterns of the neighboring grains; e Energy dispersive X-ray spectra collected from the areas marked by the circles in c, and the corresponding spatial difference spectra