郭啸1,2, 刘学超1, 忻隽1, 杨建华1, 施尓畏1

Characterization of Polytype Distributions in Nitrogen-doped 6H-SiC Single Crystal by Raman Mapping
GUO Xiao1,2, LIU Xue-Chao1, XIN Jun1, YANG Jian-Hua1, SHI Er-Wei1
图4 第22号晶片中间区域三种SiC多型精细分布图
Fig. 4 Fine spatial characterization images of three types of SiC polytypes in the central area of the 22 nd wafer a 6H-SiC; b 15R-SiC; c 4H-SiC The color represents matching degree between the Raman spectra of test points and the standard Raman spectra of three polytypes