李春艳1,2, 刘雪华1,2, 刁飞玉1, 梁文双2, 王乙潜2, PETROV Peter3, ALFORD Neil3

Microstructural Defects and Their Formation Mechanisms in Ba0.75Sr0.25TiO3 Epitaxial Film
LI Chun-Yan1,2, LIU Xue-Hua1,2, DIAO Fei-Yu1, LIANG Wen-Shuang2, WANG Yi-Qian2, PETROV Peter3, ALFORD Neil3
图7 不同反相畴界的形成机理示意图
Fig. 7 Schematic diagram for the formation mechanism of different antiphase boundaries A and B are the nucleation sites just beside the terrace, while C and D are the nucleation sites a little far away from the terrace