Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 499-506.DOI: 10.15541/jim20210402

Special Issue: 【信息功能】电介质材料 【能源环境】钙钛矿

• RESEARCH ARTICLE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Dielectric and Energy Storage Property of (0.96NaNbO3-0.04CaZrO3)-xFe2O3 Antiferroelectric Ceramics

YE Fen1,2(), JIANG Xiangping1(), CHEN Yunjing1, HUANG Xiaokun1, ZENG Renfen1, CHEN Chao1, NIE Xin1, CHENG Hao2()   

  1. 1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials, School of Material Science and Engineering, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen 333001, China
    2. College of Material and Chemical Engineering, Tongren University, Tongren 554300, China
  • Received:2021-06-28 Revised:2021-07-20 Published:2022-05-20 Online:2021-10-21
  • Contact: JIANG Xiangping, professor. E-mail:; CHENG Hao, professor. E-mail:
  • About author:YE Fen (1987-), female, PhD candidate. E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(52062018);National Natural Science Foundation of China(51862016);National Natural Science Foundation of China(51762024);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(20192BAB20600);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(20192BAB212002);Foundation of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department(GJJ190712);Foundation of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department(GJJ190699);Foundation of the Department of Education of Guizhou province(KY[2018]030)


0.96NaNbO3-0.04CaZrO3(NNCZ) ceramic shows stable double hysteresis loops at room temperature, but the property of energy density, energy storage efficiency and breakdown strength of NNCZ are terrible, which limit NNCZ to be used as energy storage materials. In this work, Fe2O3 was chosen to modify the energy storage property of NNCZ. (0.96NaNbO3-0.04CaZrO3)-xFe2O3 (NNCZ-xFe) antiferroelectric ceramics were prepared by traditional solid reaction method. The phase, morphology, dielectric property and energy storage property of NNCZ-xFe were characterized. The results indicated that the crystal structures of NNCZ-xFe ceramics were pure perovskite structure. The sintering temperature of NNCZ ceramic was decreased with addition of Fe2O3. With the increase of Fe2O3 content, the grain size of NNCZ-xFe were decreased firstly and then raised. The NNCZ-0.02Fe ceramic obtained the smallest grain size (5.04 μm) and the best energy storage property. The breakdown strength of NNCZ-0.02Fe was 230 kV/cm at room temperature (RT). The recoverable energy density and energy storage efficiency before breakdown were 1.57 J/cm 3and 55.74% respectively. At 125 ℃ and 180 kV/cm, the energy density of NNCZ- 0.02Fe was 4.53 J/cm 3. Fe2O3 doping decreased the sintering temperature of NNCZ ceramics, reduced the the migration rate of oxygen vacancies and inhibited the growth of grains. At the same time, it reduced the dielectric loss and improved the breakdown strength. The oxygen vacancies pinning made antiferroelectric phase switch to ferroelectric phase harder, avoided appearance dumbbell-shaped double hysteresis loops, so the energy storage efficiency was improved. This research shows that NNCZ-xFe has a good potential application in the field of dielectric energy storage.

Key words: NaNbO3, antiferroelectric, energy storage property, dielectric property

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