Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 169-174.DOI: 10.15541/jim20160304

• Orginal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Luminescence and Decay Time Properties of Pure CsI Crystals

REN Guo-Hao1, SONG Zhao-Hui2, ZHANG Zi-Chuan2, ZHANG Kan2, YANG Fan1, LI Huan-Ying1, CHEN Xiao-Feng1   

  1. (1. Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China; 2. Northwestern Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi’an 710024, China)
  • Received:2016-05-10 Revised:2016-07-05 Published:2017-02-20 Online:2017-01-13


Pure CsI crystal is a kind of fast scintillators which can be used to detect γ-rays, neutrons as well as other radiation. Optical transmission and luminescence properties of pure CsI crystal grown with Vertical Bridgman method were measured under the excitation of UV, continuous X-ray, pulse X-ray as well as cosmic rays at room temperature. Cut-off edge of the grown CsI crystal reaches 240 nm, which is the shortest among the literature reported previously. Excitation and emission wavelength are 241 nm and 318 nm, respectively. The decay times of the fast intrinsic luminescence can be fitted into two components, 2~3 nm and 18~25 nm under the excitation of X-ray or cosmic rays. The light outputs measured from the crystal with size of 30 mm×30 mm×200 mm are 143 p.e/MeV and 127 p.e./MeV as its seed end and tail end were coupled with PMT, respectively. Even though the non-uniformity (12.6%) exists along the growth direction of the crystal, no significant slow component longer than 100 ns are observed. All of these properties prove that the pure CsI crystal is a promising fast scintillator.

Key words: pure CsI, crystal, transmittance, luminescence, decay time, light output

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