Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 1185-1190.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.01185

• Research Paper • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Regulation of Potassium Aminocarboxylates on Calcium Oxalate Crystal Growth and Its Relationship with Molecular Structure

YANG Jin, LI Jun-Jun, YUAN Huan-Xin, OUYANG Jian-Ming   

  1. (Institute of Biomineralization and Lithiasis Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China)
  • Received:2010-02-06 Revised:2010-04-06 Published:2010-11-20 Online:2010-11-01
  • Supported by:

    Key Project of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province (2009B030801236); National Nature Science Foundation of China (20971057)

Abstract: The effect of potassium aminocarboxylates on crystallization of calcium oxalate (CaOxa) was investigated in silica gel system by means of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. These aminocarboxylates included potassium aminoacetate (KGLY), dipotassium glycoletherdiaminotetraacetate (K2EGTA), dipotassium aminotriacetate (K2NTA), dipotassium diethylenetriaminepenteacetate (K2DTPA), dipotassium ethylene diamine tetraacetate (K2EDTA) and dipotassium cyclohexanediamine tetraacetate (K2CDTA). All these aminocarboxylates could induce the formation of calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD), inhibit the aggregation of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) and decrease the specific surface area of COM aggregates. The ability to induce COD formation follows the order: K2DTPA (55wt%) > K2EDTA ≈K2CDTA (50wt%) > K2NTA (43wt%) >> K2EGTA (4wt%) > KGLY (2wt%), and the ability to inhibit COM aggregation follows the sequence: K2DTPA>K2NTA > K2CDTA≈K2EDTA > K2EGTA > KGLY. These results are discussed in terms of their molecular structure, relative content of carboxylic groups, spatial location of carboxyl groups in aminocarboxylates, and their coordination capacity and modes with Ca2+ ions. It is proved that K2NTA and K2DTPA can be the potential drugs for preventing the formation of CaOxa stones.

Key words: calcium oxalate, potassium aminocarboxylates, chelators, biomineralization, urinary stone

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