Journal of Inorganic Materials

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Coexistence of Two Phases in Low-firing Ph(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Composite Ceramics and Dielectric Properties

YUE Zhen-Xing; WANG Xiao-Li; ZHANG Liang-Ying; YAO Xi   

  1. Electrionic Materials Research Laboratory; Xi an Jiaotong University Xi an 710049 China
  • Received:1997-04-28 Revised:1997-06-06 Published:1998-04-20 Online:1998-04-20

Abstract: PZN-based composite ceramics were prepared at lower sintering temperature by using fluorides and borosilicate glass as sintering aids. The correlation between the coexistence of two phases in
composite ceramics and sintering aids was studied. The results revealed that the crystal lattice defects caused by additives have detrimental effect on the coexistence of two phases in composites.
Incorporation of LiF into PZN crystal lattice promotes the reaction between two phases due to oxygen vacancies, while PZN-based composite ceramics with MgF2 and borosilicate glass aids maintain
diphasic microstructure. PZN-based diphasic ceramics with X7R character were obtained at lowe sintering temperature by using borosilicate glass as sintering aids.

Key words: lead zinc niobate, comosite ceramics, relaxor ferroelectrics, dielectric properties

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