Journal of Inorganic Materials

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Space Charges in Piezoelectric Ceramics

LI Jing-De; DENG Ren-Zhong   

  1. Department of Physics; Zhongshan University Guangzhou 510275 China
  • Received:1997-03-31 Revised:1997-05-05 Published:1998-04-20 Online:1998-04-20

Abstract: In dielectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric effects, the contributions of ferroelectricity, heteropolax charge, and homopolax charge can be studied sepaxately by using differential time domain spectroscopy method. For a same sample, by measuring the dielectric and pyroelectric spectra,the components of heteropolar and homopolar charges can be separated. In pyroelectric effect, the components of these charges have opposite signs.

Key words: piezoelectric ceramics, pyroelectricity, time domain, space charge

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