Journal of Inorganic Materials

• Research Paper • Previous Articles    

Function of Anion in the Synthetic Process of Spindle-shaped α-FeOOH

ZHU Hao-Guo; LU Qing-Yi; ZENG JingHui; SONG Bao-Zhen+; ZENG Huan-Xing   

  1. Dept. of Material Science Bngineering; USTC Hefei 230026 China; +Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurpy; CAS Beijing 100080 China
  • Received:1997-03-18 Revised:1997-04-28 Published:1998-06-20 Online:1998-06-20

Abstract: Spindle-shaped α-FeOOH was prepared from FeSO4 and different alkalis or mired alhalisrespectively. The morphology of a-FeOOH was observed with TEM. The result shows that its axisratio related to [OH-], the higher concentration of [OH-], the longer axis ratio; α-FeOOH waslike the ellipsoid with caxbonic concentration increasing, because the short tals became Ionger andxis ratio smaller. The essential cause of formating spindle-shaped α-FeOOH particles was thecoagulation of CO ion bond.

Key words: spindle α-FeOOH, carbonic ion, hydroxy aggregate

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