Journal of Inorganic Materials

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A Study of Inorganic Material-AgOx as Storage Media for Recordable-CD

HUANG Xiu-Guang; SHEN De-Fang   

  1. Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy; Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai 200050 China
  • Received:1997-04-23 Revised:1997-05-26 Published:1998-06-20 Online:1998-06-20

Abstract: The optical properties, decomposition process and recording properties of AgOx films wereinvestigated. The results showed that AgOx films prepared by using dc reactive sputtering underthe condition of Ar pressure of 0.67Pa ajnd O2 pressure of 2.OPa were amorphous and completelydecomposed into Ag at 400℃. The static writing of AgOx films was successfully accomplished.AgOx may be promising to become a new kind of CD-R recording media.

Key words: optic storage, CD-R, reactive sputtering, film, decomposition

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