Journal of Inorganic Materials

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Thermal Analysis Characterization of Nanosized TiO2

DENG Xiao-Yan; CUI Zuo-Lin; DU Fang-Lin; PENG Chun   

  1. Research Center for Nanostructured Materials; Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology Qingdao 266042; China
  • Received:2000-11-29 Revised:2001-02-05 Published:2001-11-20 Online:2001-11-20

Abstract: Nanometer TiO2 powders were prepared by four different methods. DSC and TG techniques were used to study the changes of TiO2 compositions and phases from 25℃ to 900℃. The gels powders of TiO2 were characterized by XRD and TEM. DSC and TG results show that the absorbed water and organism will be lost at 80~100℃, the organism discompose at 280~290℃, TiOthus obtained will transform from amorphous phase to anatase phase, at 370~400℃, the structure water will be lost above 500℃, and anatase phase transform gradually to rutile phase between 650℃ and 900℃.

Key words: TiO2 nanometer powder, thermal analysis, lost weight ratio

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