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控制表面氧化法制备超疏水 CuO纳米花膜

钱柏太, 沈自求   

  1. 大连理工大学化工学院, 大连 116012
  • 收稿日期:2005-06-21 修回日期:2005-08-22 出版日期:2006-05-20 网络出版日期:2006-05-20

Super-hydrophobic CuO Nanoflowers by Controlled Surface Oxidation on Copper

QIAN Bai-Tai, SHEN Zi-Qiu   

  1. School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116012, China
  • Received:2005-06-21 Revised:2005-08-22 Published:2006-05-20 Online:2006-05-20

摘要: 采用含有过硫酸钾氧化剂和氢氧化钾的水溶液处理金属铜表面, 再经空气中加热后, 在铜表面上得到了一层具有花朵状纳米结构的CuO膜. 每朵纳米花由数十个长约2μm、宽约120nm、厚约12nm的CuO纳米片自组装而成. 纳米花膜经氟化处理后表现出超疏水性, 接触角达到约158°. 文中初步提出了纳米花形态的生长机制, 并用Cassie理论对膜的润湿性进行了分析.

关键词: 超疏水, 氧化铜, 纳米花, 润湿性

Abstract: A CuO nanoflower film was fabricated on copper by controlled surface oxidation in KOH aqueous solutions with an oxidant K2S2O8 and subsequent heat treatment in air. Results show that the nanoflower is formed by self-assembly of tens of CuO nanosheets. The nanosheet is about 2μm in length, 120nm in width, and 12nm in thickness. After fluorination treating, the nanoflower film exhibits super-hydrophobic properties, with a water contact angle of about 158°. The possible mechanism was proposed on the growth of the CuO nanoflowers. Also, the wettability of the CuO films was discussed on the basis of Cassie theories.

Key words: super-hydrophobic, CuO, nanoflowers, wettability
