无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 101-106.DOI: 10.15541/jim20200653

所属专题: 【能源环境】热电材料

• 研究快报 • 上一篇    下一篇


金敏1(), 白旭东2, 张如林1, 周丽娜1, 李荣斌1   

  1. 1.上海电机学院 材料学院, 上海201306
    2.上海理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 上海 200093
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-16 修回日期:2020-12-03 出版日期:2022-01-20 网络出版日期:2021-03-01
  • 作者简介:金 敏(1982–), 男, 教授. E-mail: jmaish@aliyun.com

Metal Sulfide Ag2S: Fabrication via Zone Melting Method and Its Thermoelectric Property

JIN Min1(), BAI Xudong2, ZHANG Rulin1, ZHOU Lina1, LI Rongbin1   

  1. 1. School of Materials Science, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China
    2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • Received:2020-11-16 Revised:2020-12-03 Published:2022-01-20 Online:2021-03-01
  • About author:JIN Min (1982–), male, professor. E-mail: jmaish@aliyun.com
  • Supported by:
    Shanghai Natural Science Foundation(19ZR1419900)


金属硫化物Ag2S具有优异的物理化学性能, 在催化、传感及光电子等领域具有广阔的应用空间。本工作利用一种区熔技术制备了尺寸为ϕ18 mm×50 mm的Ag2S并对其潜在热电性能进行了研究。Ag2S在450 K以下具有标准的α-Ag2S单斜P21/c结构, 450 K以上发生相变成为立方β-Ag2S相。Ag2S在300~650 K范围始终具有负的Seebeck系数而呈现n型半导体特征, 这主要是因为材料中存在Ag间隙离子而提供了多余电子。Ag2S的Seebeck系数在室温下约为-1200 µV·K-1, 440 K时降为-680 µV·K -1, 当转变为β-Ag2S后则大幅降至~-100 µV·K-1α-Ag2S的电导率几乎为零, 然而在刚发生β-Ag2S相变(450 K)时, 电导率突然增加至~40000.5 S·m-1, 而后随着温度持续升高, 其值在650 K降低为33256.2 S·m-1。霍尔测试表明Ag2S的载流子浓度nH在相变时可从~1017 cm-3迅速增加到~1018 cm-3量级。α-Ag2S和β-Ag2S的总热导率κ几乎是常数, 分别为~0.20和~0.45 W·m-1·K-1。最终Ag2S在580 K获得最大ZT值0.57, 说明它是一种很有发展潜力的中温热电材料。

关键词: Ag2S, 区熔, 热电材料, 相转变


Metal sulfide Ag2S is an attractive semiconductor due to its excellent physical and chemical property that enable it with wide applications in fields of catalysis, sensing, optoelectronics in past years. In present work, ϕ18 mm× 50 mm Ag2S ingot was successfully prepared using zone melting method and its thermoelectric (TE) behavior was investigated. Ag2S has standard monoclinic P21/c space group (α-Ag2S phase) below 450 K and transfer to cubic structure (β-Ag2S phase) over this temperature. Ag2S is a n-type semiconductor as the Seebeck coefficient S is always negative due to the Ag interstitial ions in the material that can provide additional electrons. S is about -1200 µV·K-1near room temperature, declines to -680 µV·K -1 at 440 K and finally decreases to ~-100 µV·K -1at β-Ag2S state. The electrical conductivity (σ) of α-Ag2S is almost zero. However, the value sharply jumps to ~40000.5 S·m -1 as the material just changes to β-Ag2S at 450 K and then gradually deceases to 33256.2 S·m -1 at 650 K. Hall measurement demonstrates that carrier concentration nH of Ag2S is suddenly increased from the level of ~10 17 cm-3 to ~1018 cm-3during phase transition. Total thermal conductivity κ of α-Ag2S is ~0.20 W·m -1·K-1 but is ~0.45 W·m-1·K-1of β-Ag2S. Ultimately, a maximum ZT=0.57 is achieved around 580 K that means Ag2S might be a promising middle-temperature TE material.

Key words: Ag2S, zone melting, thermoelectric material, phase transition
