无机材料学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 113-114.DOI: 10.15541/jim20200901

所属专题: 电致变色材料与器件 电致变色专栏2021

• 专栏: 电致变色材料与器件(特邀编辑:刁训刚, 王金敏) •    下一篇



  1. 北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院, 电致变色中心, 北京 102206
  • 出版日期:2021-02-20 网络出版日期:2021-01-25
  • 作者简介:刁训刚, 北京航空航天大学能源与动力工程学院教授, 博导; 能源工程系/能源与环境国际中心主任; 电致变色中心创始人。E-mail:diaoxg@buaa.edu.cn

EDITORIAL:Rejuvenation and Rapid Growth on Electrochromism Researches

DIAO Xungang()   

  1. Center for Electrochromism, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 102206
  • Published:2021-02-20 Online:2021-01-25


电致变色是一个典型的多学科交叉研究领域: 涉及有机与无机材料、物理与化学、电子与光学器件、测试控制及封装技术、太阳能辐射光谱调控与节能、显色与热控等诸多基础和应用研究。近年来, 电致变色研究呈现百花齐放、精彩纷呈的复兴态势, 特别是在中国的科研技术人员快速进入这一研究领域之后, 使得多年稍显沉寂的国际电致变色研究领域浮现出勃勃生机。这一形势大致从国际国内电致变色专业学术会议参会人员的规模数量上可见一斑。两年一度的国际电致变色会议(International Meeting on Electrochomism-IME)已经举办到第13届, 最近连续几届参会人数基本维持在150人左右。而国内两年一度的全国电致变色会议(Chinese Meeting on Electrochromism-CME), 参会人数由第1届的26人、第2届的150人、第3届的178人、快速增加到2019年第4届的352人。中国的学术界和产业界都对电致变色科学产生了浓厚的兴趣, 每次国内电致变色学术会议的参会人员大致维持在学术科研人员1/3、研究生1/3、企业界人员1/3的比例。

2020年3月, 受《无机材料学报》编辑部委托, 由我和王金敏教授一起为《无机材料学报》组织“电致变色材料与器件”专栏。当时正值新冠疫情肆虐武汉及全国乃至欧洲, 我们的科学家和研究生们在同心同德抗击疫情的同时, 都在更加努力地工作以报效祖国。业界同仁非常支持和配合我们的工作, 积极踊跃投稿, 我们的约稿、收稿、审稿等一系列工作也因此进展顺利。由于收到的稿件数量颇多且质量上乘, 原计划出版一期的电致变色专栏, 在征得编辑部同意的情况下分成两期出版。

我们邀请了国内的优秀研究团队为专栏贡献了稿件, 他们都是无机电致变色研究领域的翘楚。希望这些专业性学术作品能为进一步促进我国电致变色研究和产业化技术的蓬勃发展添砖加瓦。在此专栏付梓之际, 我谨代表电致变色领域的同仁为所有文章的作者和做出突出贡献的编辑们表示由衷的感谢和敬意。


Electrochromism is a typical multidisciplinary crossing research field, involving organic and inorganic materials, physics and chemistry, electronics and optics, testing and controlling and packaging technologies, solar energy and radiation spectral modulation and energy conservation, color and thermal controlling, and many other basic and applied researches. In recent years, electrochromism researches exhibits a colorful and exciting revival trend, especially after many Chinese scientists and companies came into this field. It brings vitality into the international electrochromism research community, which has been a little tranquil for many years. This conclusion can be detected from comparison of the participants number in international and domestic professional academic electrochromic conferences. The bi-annually International Meeting on Electrochomism-IME has been held the 13th session until now, with the number of participants remaining around 150 in recent several times. But for the two-yearly Chinese Meeting on Electrochromism-CME, the number of participants has been quickly increasing from 26 at the 1st, 150 at the 2nd, 178 at the 3rd, to 352 at the 4th CME held in August 2019. Both Chinese academics and industries are very interested in electrochromism. Each CME participants are composed of a third from academic researchers, a third from graduate students, and a third from industries.

In March 2020, commissioned by editorial board of Journal of Inorganic Materials, Prof. WANG Jinmin and I organized the special issue (Electrochromic Materials and Devices) for the Journal. It was the exact and tough period when COVID-19 epidemic ravaged in Wuhan, the whole China and then in Europe. Our scientists and graduate students were working even harder in order to fight against the epidemic with great solidarity and simultaneously to contribute and devote to our beloved motherland. Our electrochromism colleagues strongly support and cooperate, actively contributing manuscripts. As a result, series of the work such as manuscripts invitation and submission and reviews etc., had been progressing very smoothly. We had early planned to publish just one issue, but received much more manuscripts with quite high quality, and finally decided to publish two special issues with permission of the journal’s editorial.

We have invited the most prestigious research groups in China to contribute to our special issue, and they are all leaders in the field of inorganic electrochromism researches. It is expected that these professional academic works can further promote the vigorous development of electrochromic research and industrialization technologies in China. On behalf of my colleagues in the field of electrochromism, I would like to express my sincere thanks and respect to the authors and editors who have made outstanding contributions to the special issue’s publication.
