无机材料学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (10): 1067-1072.DOI: 10.15541/jim20140060

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张守超1, 阮永丰2, 贾国治1, 冯志辉1, 刘枝朋1, 裴利斌1   

  1. (1. 天津城建大学 理学院, 天津300384; 2. 天津大学 理学院, 天津300072)
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-10 修回日期:2014-03-23 出版日期:2014-10-20 网络出版日期:2014-09-22
  • 基金资助:

Blue-emitting Properties of Ce3+ Doped YVO4 under Ultraviolet Excitation

ZHANG Shou-Chao1, RUAN Yong-Feng2, JIA Guo-Zhi1, FENG Zhi-Hui1, LIU Zhi-Peng1, PEI Li-Bin1   

  1. (1. School of Science, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China; 2. School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
  • Received:2014-02-10 Revised:2014-03-23 Published:2014-10-20 Online:2014-09-22
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(11247025);Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin(11JCYBJC05200)


利用提拉法生长了YVO4和掺2.0at% CeO2(或Ce2(CO3)3)的YVO4: Ce3+晶体。样品的XRD测试表明Ce3+代替Y3+进入晶格, Ce3+的加入并没有影响YVO4的晶格结构。XPS测试显示YVO4: Ce3+晶体中Ce离子3d分裂为882.0、885.8、902.9、908.0和915.9 eV等5个峰, 峰位表明样品中铈离子是以Ce3+和Ce4+两种价态形式存在。YVO4和YVO4: Ce3+激发谱都呈现出260~360 nm宽带激发, 此激发带源于基质中VO43-离子团的配体O到V的电荷迁移吸收。使用325 nm的紫外线激发时, 两种样品均可发出以440 nm 为中心的宽带蓝光,其中YVO4发射峰应归属于VO43-离子团中3T21A13T11A1跃迁; 而YVO4: Ce3+的蓝光发射则来源于Ce3+的5d→4f 的跃迁。分析可知YVO4: Ce3+中VO43-的π轨道和Ce3+的电子波函数能有效地重叠, 使得VO43-和Ce3+可通过交换作用有效地向Ce3+传递能量, 可大幅提高Ce3+的蓝光发射强度。实验结果显示YVO4: Ce3+可作为UV-LED管芯激发的白光发光二极管用高亮度蓝色发光材料。

关键词: YVO4:Ce3+, 蓝光发射, 紫外激发, 能量传递, 白光LED


YVO4 and YVO4:Ce3+ single crystals doped with 2.0at% CeO2 (or Ce2(CO3)3) were grown by using the Czochralski method. XRD pattern shows that Ce3+ ion enters the YVO4 lattice by occupying the Y3+ sites and the YVO4 crystal structure change little by the addition of Ce ions. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) shows that the Ce (3d) peak splits into five peaks located at 882.0, 885.8, 902.9, 908.0 and 915.9 eV, which indicates that the Ce3+ and Ce4+ ions coexist in both kind of samples. The excitation spectra of YVO4 and YVO4:Ce3+ crystals are both in the range from 260 nm to 360 nm, due to the charge transfer transition of the O2--V5+ ion pairs of VO43- polyhedron. YVO4 and YVO4:Ce3+ single crystals radiate a wideband blue light centered at 440 nm when excited by 325 nm ultraviolet light, the former corresponds to 3T21A1 and 3T11A1 transition of VO43-, while the latter corresponds to 5d→4f transition of Ce3+. In YVO4: Ce3+ crystal, the wave functions of Ce3+ overlaps effectively to the π orbital of VO43-, via this interaction the energy can be transfer effectively from VO43- to Ce3+, so that the blue-emitting intensity of Ce3+ is improved significantly. Experimental results show that YVO4: Ce3+ crystal is a potential blue-emitting material for white-emitting LED under ultraviolet excitation.

Key words: YVO4: Ce3+, blue-emitting, ultraviolet excitation, energy transfer, white LED
