采用溶胶-凝胶法在玻璃表面制备出ZrO2-SiO2薄膜, 然后通过离子交换形成镀膜增强玻璃, 研究了薄膜组成对离子交换增强玻璃的力学和光学性能的影响。利用紫外可见分光光度计、激光椭偏仪、纳米压痕、三点抗弯和能谱(EDX)分析了薄膜结构及性能。结果表明: 所有薄膜均连续均匀, 纯ZrO2薄膜为四方相结构, 含Si薄膜为无定形结构; 薄膜具有较高弹性恢复率(≥60%)以及
ZrO2-SiO2 films of different SiO2 content were deposited on soda-lime glass substrates through a Sol-Gel process, which was followed by an ion-exchange strengthening process. Phase presents, surface morphology and ion-exchange depth were determined by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer analysis, respectively. The mechanical and optical properties of coated glass were studied. Homogeneous, continuous and dense films are obtained. Pure ZrO2 film belongs to tetragonal structure, while other films with SiO2 have an amorphous structure. ZrO2-SiO2 films with high ratio (
Chemical strengthened soda-lime glass has been widely used in the window-shields of aircraft, high speed train cockpit and screen of digital products. However, because of the relatively low surface hardness, chemical strengthened soda-lime glass is susceptible to weakness from natural sands scratch[ 1, 2, 3, 4].
Certain improvements of mechanical resistance of the ion-exchanged glass substrate with Sol-Gel derived oxide film were reported[ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Especially, due to the high hardness, stiffness, strength and refractoriness, ZrO2 system films were applied to enhance the scratch resistance of materials. At least two aspects of improvement were thought to be taken place when Sol-Gel ZrO2 system films were applied to protect ion-exchanged glass surface. First, several investigations showed that the strength of glass was increased when covered by ZrO2 or SiO2/ZrO2 Sol-Gel film[ 8, 9, 10]. Second, glass exhibited a higher surface hardness value compared to that of original glass[ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. However, light transmittance of glass dropped notably after coated with ZrO2 film.
In the present work, SiO2-ZrO2 films with different SiO2 contents were deposited on soda-lime glass substrates through a Sol-Gel process, which was followed by an ion-exchange strengthening process. The mechanical and optical properties of Sol-Gel derived films coated glass were systematically studied.
ZrO2-SiO2 films were prepared by Sol-Gel method using zirconium oxychloride, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and propylene epoxide with purities of over 99.9%. Stoichiometric amounts of zirconium oxychloride and tetraethoxysilane were dissolved in water-ethanol mixture. Propylene epoxide was added as gelling agent. After stirring was continued for 6 h at room temperature, the mixture turned into a transparent sol (pH≈2.5). Then, the coating was achieved by dipping glass substrates into the prepared sol and withdrawing at a constant speed of 60 mm/min using a dip-coating apparatus and consolidated at 60℃ for 30 min. Coated glass samples were cured at 550℃ for 2 h in air to obtain the solid films. The composition of soda-lime glass substrates is 74SiO2- 14Na2O-11CaO- 3MgO-1Al2O3-1other (in wt%), with the glass transition temperature ( Tg) of ~560℃. The molar compositions of SiO2-ZrO2 films were listed in Table 1. SiO2-ZrO2 films coated glass and uncoated blank sample glass were soaked in a melted potassium nitrate to induce Na+-K+ ion exchange at 450℃ for 10 h.
![]() | Table 1 Molar compositions of Sol-Gel derived ZrO2-SiO2 composite films |
Two different thick films (200 nm, 45 nm) were prepared after heat treatment. Samples coated with ~200 nm ZrO2-SiO2 films were used for nano-indentation test, samples coated with ~45 nm ZrO2-SiO2 films were used for 3-point bending test, SEM and EDS measurement and both were used for transmittance spectra measurement. The aforementioned film thickness and refractive index were measured and identified by Elliptical polarization spectrograph (M-2000, J. A. Woollam, USA).
Continuous stiffness measurement (CSM) was applied as nanoindentation testing technique to study the hardness of films and glass surface on the nanoscale (Nano Indenter G200, Agilent, USA). The test was conducted under a constant nominal strain rate of 0.05 s-1 and frequency of 45 Hz. The harmonic displacement was 2 nm. A Poisson's ratio of 0.36 was used to calculate the Young’s modulus. The measurements of average bending strength of specimens (2 mm×20 mm×50 mm, grinded and polished the edges) were carried out with 3-point bending test (CMT5105, SANS, Shenzhen China). The reported mechanical property data correspond to an average value of 6 reliable tests. To characterize the optical properties, transmittance spectra were acquired at room temperature in the UV-V range ( λ = 250-800 nm) using a dual beam UV-3150 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan) with a step increment of 0.5 nm and an integration time of 0.3 s. Morphology and microstructure of the surface were characterized by scanning electron microscope (FESEM, S-4800, Hitachi, Japan). Ion-exchange depth was detected by Linear scanning in the direction of diffusion of potassium ion with energy dispersive X-ray spectrum (EDX, S-4800, Hitachi, Japan). Phase composition of films were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), employing a Shimadzu XRD-6000 diffractometer (Japan) with Bragg- Brentano geometry and Cu-Kα radiation.
XRD patterns of ZrO2-SiO2 films (~600 nm) with different SiO2 contents are shown in Fig. 1. Pattern of pure ZrO2 film (Zr100) is well indexed as a tetragonal structure. Patterns of other films with SiO2 show no characteristic diffraction peak, which indicates that these films have an amorphous structure. The representative SEM images of the Sol-Gel derived coating films (Zr100, Zr50 and Si100) are shown in Fig. 2. Homogeneous, continuous films are observed.
Hardness and Young’s modulus were obtained by nano-indentation test. This test is especially applicable for thin solid film samples[ 16]. The average hardness and Young’s modulus of glass uncoated and coated with ZrO2-SiO2 films are shown in Fig. 3. Values were measured from penetration depth at ~20 nm, which is about 0.1 of the thickness of films.
The nano-indentation hardness and Young’s modulus of ZrO2-SiO2 films (15-20 GPa, 145-185 GPa), ZrO2 film (~22 GPa, ~190 GPa) are much higher than that of un-coated ion-exchanged glass (Blank, ~12 GPa, 120 GPa). As the composition of ZrO2 in films increase, hardness and Young’s modulus increase significantly, reaching up to twice that of un-coated ion-exchanged glass. These results indicate that the improvement in surface hardness and accordingly scratch resistance of ion-exchanged glass could be achieved by coating with Sol-Gel films.
Average values of 3-point bending strength, ion-exchange depth of coated and un-coated ion-exchanged glass, elastic recovery ( We), hardness ( H), Young’s modulus ( E) and ( H/ E) of films are presented in Table 2. The bending test was performed with thinner (45 nm) film, but there was no discernible difference in the strength of thicker (200 nm) samples. Ion-exchange depth is commonly believed to have positive impact to strength of glass, i.e., strength increase with the increasing ion-exchange depth. However, in this study, glass coated with ZrO2-SiO2 films with smaller ion-exchange depth seems to shows similar 3-point bending strength with that of uncoated glass with greater ion-exchange depth (except for Zr100 sample). Complemental strength may be induced by coated films. Hard nanocomposite coatings with (i) a low value of the Young's modulus E satisfying high H/ E≥0.1 ratio and (ii) a high value of the elastic recovery ( We≥60%) were thought to enhance strength[ 17, 18].
![]() | Table 2 Three-point bending strength (MPa) and ion-exchange depth (μm) of ZrO2-SiO2 films coated glass |
Weibull analysis was introduced to study the mechanism. Figure 4 shows the Weibull plots corresponding to strength values of Blank and Si100 samples. The failure probability was calculated as
Pi = ( i-0.5)/ N (1)
Weibull distribution equation:lnln[1/(1- Pi)] = m Ln σi + ln[1/( σ0)m] (2)
![]() | Fig. 4 Weibull plot of the Blank and Si100 samples after ion-exchange process R: Correlation coefficient; m: Weibull modulus |
Where N is the total number of samples, we assign failure probability Pi to each value of σi after ranking all the 3-point bending test measured values in ascending order, i takes value from 1 to N which corresponds to the number of measurements of the sample tested; σi and σ0 are failure strength and characteristic strength, respectively.
Equation (2) can be plotted as a straight line. In present work, lnln[1/(1- Pi)] versus ln σi whose slope is the Weibull modulus m by linear fitting the measured strength values[ 19]. In Fig. 4, Si100 demonstrates a higher rupture resistance than uncoated glass according the distribution, however, the Weibull modules m is less than that of uncoated glass. The result agrees with present coating strengthening theoretical model established by Carturan, et al[ 10]. Strength- ening effect of coating films promoted by crack length reduction and flaws healing are more pronounced for partial cracks of a smaller dimension than the average length, and that caused the Weibull modules change[ 19].
It is worth noting that the values of strength and ion-exchange depth increase with increasing SiO2 content. The SiO2 content in the films seemed to enhance the finalglass strengthening effect. According to the previous investigation[ 20], a possible explanation is proposed: zirconia is a well-known barrier material against alkali corrosion because of low alkali diffusion, while silica possesses much larger alkali diffusion coefficient. When silica content increases in the films, composite alkali ion diffusion coefficient would be improved. This could weaken the obstacle effect of films during ion-exchange process between glass surfaces and molten salt[ 20, 21].
Figure 5 shows the transmittance spectra of un-coated and ZrO2-SiO2 films coated glass. Pure SiO2 film coated glass shows a negligible optical loss, and Zr25, Zr50, Zr75 samples also show high transmittance reaching up to 85% at the wavelength of 350 nm and above. Pure ZrO2 film coated glass exhibits lower transmittance compared to that of other samples. According to the XRD patterns shown in Fig. 1, Sol-Gel derived SiO2 film and ZrO2-SiO2 films have amorphous structures, while pure ZrO2 film shows a tetragonal structure. T-zirconia film performs greater optical scattering compared to that of amorphous film[ 13, 22], which could provide an explanation of the phenomenon described above. Figure 6 shows the refractive index versus wavelength of ZrO2-SiO2 films coated glass. Glass coated with more ZrO2 content exhibit greater refractive index, which could cause more optical loss through reflec-tion[ 23, 24]. This provides another aspect of the optical loss of pure ZrO2 film coated glass. Moreover, notable decrease of transmittance could be found when increasing the coating thickness from 45 nm to 200 nm. More absorption loss would be happened in the thicker ZrO2-SiO2 film (typically: Zr50, shown in Fig. 7).
ZrO2-SiO2 films with different ZrO2 contents were deposited on soda-lime glass substrates through a Sol-Gel process, which was followed by an ion-exchange strengthening process. ZrO2-SiO2 films with high H/ E≥0.1 ratio and elastic recovery ( We≥60%) were thought to benefit bending strength. SiO2 in the composition films could improve light transmittance while reduce the hardness and Young’s modulus of films. However, the hardness could be improved by adding the ZrO2 content. Typically, chemical-strengthened 0.5ZrO2-0.5SiO2 film coated glass exhibited high bending strength of 393 MPa and high hardness of 18 GPa, but a negligible optical loss in visible region for very thin thickness(~45 nm).
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