邱涛1, 季振国1,2, 孔哲1, 李红霞1, 张尔攀1
1. 杭州电子科技大学 电子材料与器件实验室, 杭州310018
2. 浙江大学 硅材料国家重点实验室, 杭州310027

利用固相反应法制备了Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+, Dy3+)长余辉夜光材料, 并研究了H3BO3含量、固相反应温度和Eu含量对Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+, Dy3+)长余辉夜光材料性能的影响. 实验结果表明, H3BO3含量对蓝绿发射的Sr4Al14O25相的形成至关重要. 在固相反应温度为1400℃, H3BO3含量为10at%, Eu/Al原子比为0.03的优化条件下, 获得了发射波长为 490 nm, 余辉时间长达24 h以上的Sr4Al14O25夜光粉. 发光强度与Eu含量的关系证明, Sr4Al14O25相的蓝绿发射过程主要受电子从深陷阱到Eu2+能级的转移速度的控制.

关键词: Sr4Al14O25; 铝酸盐; 长余辉; 夜光粉
中图分类号:TQ174   文献标志码:A    文章编号:1000-324X(2012)12-1341-04
Preparation and Optimization of Long Persistent Luminescent Sr4Al14O25:(Eu,Dy) Phosphor Materials
QIU Tao1, JI Zhen-Guo1,2, KONG Zhe1, LI Hong-Xia1, ZHANG Er-Pan1
1. Laboratory of Electronic Materials and Devices, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
2. State key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Corresponding author: JI Zhen-Guo, professor. E-mail:jizg@hdu.edu.cn

QIU Tao(1986–), male, candidate of master. E-mail:qiutao2457258@126.com


Sr4Al14O25:(Eu,Dy) phosphor materials were prepared by solid state reaction. The dependence of long persistent luminescence from Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+, Dy3+) on the amounts of H3BO3, the solid state reaction temperature, and the contents of Eu were studied. It was found that the addition of H3BO3 as the flux agent was critical for the formation of the blue-green emitting Sr4Al14O25phase. Sr4Al14O25 phosphors with persistent luminescence of 490 nm and afterglow time more than 24 h was obtained for the sample prepared at 1400℃ with the doping amounts of H3BO3 of 10at% and Eu/Al atomic ratio of 0.03, respectively. Furthermore, the dependence of persistent luminescence intensity on Eu content indicates that the persistent luminescence process is mainly controlled by the electron transition rate from deep traps to Eu2+ levels.

Keyword: Sr4Al14O25; aluminates; persistent luminescent; phosphors

Rare earth doped aluminates (REDAs) have been extensively studied since the early 1990s[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. REDAs phosphors are not only high efficient but also long lasting persistent luminescent with orthorhombic crystalline structure and high chemical stability. REDAs are not radioactive in comparison with traditional radioactive phosphors. Except for the green emitting SrAl2O4:(Eu2+,Dy3+), the blue-green emitting Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+,Dy3+) is one of the most extensively studied aluminate phosphors[ 8, 9, 10, 11]. Compared with the long lasting SrAl2O4:(Eu2+, Dy3+) phosphors which emits light for tens of hours, Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+,Dy3+) phosphors can only emits light for several hours, which is not enough for whole night applications. In addition, although REDAs have been commercially available, the mechanism of long lasting luminescence is still not fully understood[ 12, 13, 14]. In this study, parameters affecting the persistent luminescence characteristics are studied, including the solid state reaction temperature, the amounts of the fluxing agent H3BO3, and the content of Eu. Blue-green emitting Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+,Dy3+) phosphors with afterglow time more than 24 h are obtained by optimizing the above parameters.

1 Experimental

Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+,Dy3+) phosphors were prepared by high temperature solid state reaction. SrCO3, Al2O3, Eu2O3, and Dy2O3 were used as the starting materials of Sr, Al, Eu, and Dy, respectively. H3BO3 was used as the flux agent to reduce the reaction temperature. SrCO3, Al2O3, and Dy2O3 were mixed according to the atomic ratio of Sr:Al:Dy=4:14:0.28, and Eu2O3 was added in a range of 1%-4%. The mixed starting materials were then ball milled for 2 h, and then loaded into a corundum crucible. Solid state reaction was carried out in a muff furnace at 1250-1400℃ with carbon powder as the reducing agent for 2 h.

The crystalline phases of the persistent luminescent samples were characterized by a X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Dandong Tongda, TD-3500, CuKα1, 30 kV, 50 mA). The luminescence spectrum was recorded by a photoluminescence (PL) spectrometer (Shimadu, RF5301). In order to record the decay curve in a very long period (>24 h), the PL spectrometer was left on with the Xenon lamp off after illumination for 10 min.

2 Results and discussions
2.1 Effects of H3BO3 content

H3BO3was added as flux agent to reduce the solid state reaction temperature of REDAs. However, it is also found that boron has effects on the luminescence properties of the REDAs[ 13]. In this section, a set of five samples were prepared at 1400℃ with different amounts of H3BO3addition. The amounts of H3BO3addition for the five samples are 0, 5at%, 10at%, 15at%, and 20at%, respectively. Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of the five samples. The addition of H3BO3has great effect on the crystalline structure of the solid reaction products. For the sample without H3BO3, no peak corresponding to Sr4Al14O25 phase is observed, and the product is mainly SrAl2O4 (2 θ=28.387º for (211), 2 θ=29.276º for (220), and 2 θ=29.923º for (211), JSPDS 34-379). As the amount of H3BO3 increases, peak intensities corresponding to Sr4Al14O25 increases (2 θ=27.824º for (021), 2 θ=30.201º for (620) and (611), and 2 θ=31.408º for (421), JSPDS74-1810), and peak intensities corresponding to SrAl2O4 phase diminishes. Peak at 2 θ=31.9º is also from SrAl2O4, and peak at 2 θ=32.1º is from Sr4Al14O25, as listed in JSPDS 34-379 and JSPDS74-1810, but no specific crystalline faces were denoted to them. For samples with H3BO3 amount more than 10at%, peak intensities corresponding to Sr4Al14O25 phase decreases, which is in agreement with the results found by Haranath, et al for CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Nd3+ phosphor[ 11].

Fig. 1 XRD patterns of the samples prepared with different amounts of H3BO3

Figure 2 is the photoluminescence spectra of the samples excited at 365 nm. Only green emission (510 nm) was observed without H3BO3 addition.

Fig. 2 Emission spectra of the samples prepared with different amounts of H3BO3

Figure 3 shows the comparison of the dependence of the photoluminescence intensity of the green-blue emission (490 nm) and the XRD intensity of peak of the Sr4Al14O25 phase (2 θ=31.4º) on amount of H3BO3. It is clear that close relation exists between the blue-green emission intensity and the amounts of Sr4Al14O25 phase in the reaction products. The luminescence intensity increases as the amounts of H3BO3 increase, but it turns down when the amount of H3BO3 is more than 10at%, i.e., the optimal amount of H3BO3 is about 10at%. Similar results were found by Haranath, et alfor CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Nd3+ phosphors[ 15]. According to the above results, the role that H3BO3 mainly plays as flux agent that promotes the formation the Sr4Al14O25 phase, rather than the substitution of Al in Sr4Al14O25. Our results is different from that of B2O3 in SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy which B substitute Al as discovered by Nag and Kutty[ 16].

Fig. 3 Comparison between PL intensity and XRD intensity of Sr4Al14O25 phase for samples with different amounts of H3BO3

2.2 Effects of solid reaction temperature

In this section, a set of samples were prepared at various solid reaction temperatures with same amount of H3BO3 addition (10at%,) and Eu2O3 doping (Eu/Sr atomic ratio=3%). Solid reaction temperatures for these samples were 1250℃, 1300℃, 1350℃ and 1400℃, respectively.

Figure 4 shows the photoluminescence spectra of these samples. As shown in Fig. 4, the photoluminescence intensity of the samples increases as the solid reaction temperature increases. It means that higher reaction tempera- ture is needed to get higher photoluminescence intensity. This is because that, for SrO-Al2O3-B2O3 system, the glass-forming temperature is about 1500℃[ 17], and as the temperature close to the glass-forming temperature, the product will be denser, which will enhance the luminescence.

Fig. 4 Emission luminescence spectra of the samples prepared at different temperatures

2.3 Effects of Eu content

In this section, the effects of Eu contents on the PL intensity were studied. The amount of H3BO3 was fixed at 10at%, and the solid reaction temperature was fixed at 1400℃. Eu/Sr ratios of each sample are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively.

Figure 5 shows the photoluminescence spectra of these samples. The PL intensity does not increase proportionally as the content of Eu increases. This phenomenon shows that the persistent luminescence process is not Eu2+ concentration limited at the Eu doping levels of 1%-4%, but trapsEu2+ transition controlled, i.e., the rate and the number of electrons transfer from the trap levels to Eu2+ level are the dominate factors, which limit the intensity and decay time of afterglow luminescence[ 12, 13, 17]. The decrease of the PL intensity with Eu content more than 3% is caused by the quenching phenomenon[ 18, 19].

Fig. 5 Emission luminescence spectra of the samples doped with different amounts of Eu

2.4 Determination of PL decay constant

According to the above results, a set of optimal parameters was selected, i.e., with Eu/Sr=3%, the H3BO3amount of 10at%, and solid reaction temperature of 1400℃, respectively. The afterglow persistent luminescence can be observed for more than 24 h by naked eyes. Figure 6 shows the afterglow luminescence of this sample in log-log scale. In order to record the decay curve in a very long period, the PL spectrometer is left on with the Xenon lamp off after the first irradiation of 10 min at wavelength of 430 nm and an outlet slit width of 5 nm. Data fitting shows that the decay constant is 249.8 min, or 4.16 h, for the afterglow time longer than 16 h.

Fig. 6 Persistent luminescence intensity decay curves vs time

3 Conclusions

Persistent luminescent of Sr4Al14O25:(Eu2+,Dy3+) green-blue phosphors with afterglow time longer than 24 h were prepared. The following conclusions were obtained.

1) The flux agent H3BO3affects the crystalline structure of the solid reaction products, which promotes the formation of Sr4Al14O25 phase.

2) Quantitative relationship exists between the persistent luminescence of the green-blue emission and the Sr4Al14O25 phase, which indicates that H3BO3 is mainly as flux agent rather than the substitution of Al in Sr4Al14O25.

3) The dependence of persistent luminescence intensity on Eu content shows that the process is controlled by the electron transitions from deep traps to Eu2+ levels for Eu content in the range of 1%-4%. It is suggested that reaction temperature above 1400℃ is favorable for more intense luminescence.

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