范跃农1,2, 聂彦1, 廖章奇1, 王鲜1, 龚荣洲1
1. 华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院, 武汉430074
2. 景德镇陶瓷学院 机械与电子系, 景德镇333403

研究了频率选择表面对超薄多层微波吸波体在低频(L和S频段)吸波性能的影响. 分别采用硫化工艺和激光刻蚀方法制备出传统的微波吸收材料(MAM)——橡胶板和FSS层, 然后利用它们合成多层微波吸波体(MMA)样品, 在NRL弓形法测试系统中测量该样品的反射率. 发现随着FSS层在传统吸波材料层中的引入, 确实可以增强整个多层吸波体在低频段的吸波性能. 实验结果显示, 当两个FSS层在多层吸波体中适当排列时, 可以在1 GHz得到一个 -3.49 dB的反射率峰值, 最大反射峰值可达-9.35 dB, 这时的样品厚度是1.8 mm. 本研究为吸波材料的吸波性能向低频段的拓展提供了一种有效的方法.

关键词: 频率选择表面; 分形; 微波吸收材料; 低频
中图分类号:TN43   文献标志码:A    文章编号:1000-324X(2012)12-1336-05
Design of Ultra-thin Absorbers Embedded with Fractal Frequency Selective Surface in Low Frequency
FAN Yue-Nong1,2, NIE Yan1, LIAO Zhang-Qi1, WANG Xian1, GONG Rong-Zhou1
1. School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2. Department of Mechanical and Electrical, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen 333403, China

FAN Yue-Nong (1964–), candidate of PhD. E-mail:fanyuenong@smail.hust.edu.cn


Ultra-thin absorbers at low frequency bands composed of two traditional microwave absorbing material (MAM) rubber plates and fractal frequency selective surface (FSS) were designed. The absorbing properties of composite absorbers of different arrangement of MAM and FSS were investigated in detail inL andS bands. Two traditional MAM rubber plates and fractal FSS layers were fabricated for producing the multilayer microwave absorber (MMA) samples by using vulcanizing and laser etching methods, respectively. The reflectivity of MMA samples were measured by the NRL-arch testing systems. It is found that introducing FSS layers into the traditional MAM plates indeed could strengthen the absorbing properties of MMA samples at low frequencies. Moreover, after proposing double FSS layers in a proper arrangement, the MMA sample with the thickness of only 1.8 mm could obtain peak value of -9.35 dB and the reflectivity value of -3.49 dB at 1 GHz, respectively. As a result, the introduction of fractal FSS layers could provide another way to develop the absorbing properties at low frequency bands.

Keyword: frequency selective surface; fractal; microwave absorbing material; low frequencies

With the rapid development of stealth technology in military applications, the study on the absorbing properties of radar absorbing materials at low frequencies, especially Land S frequency bands, have attracted more and more interests[ 1, 2, 3]. The demands for radar absorber designing are obtaining the ones with the least thickness, the lightest weight and the lowest possible reflectivity within the widest operating bandwidth. However, at low frequencies, traditional microwave absorbing materials (MAMs) which need large thickness and surface mass density[ 4], is difficult to satisfy the demands. As a result, the research on developing absorbing properties at low frequencies of radar absorbers with other new structures has become intense research subjects.

Frequency selective surfaces (FSSs)[ 5], a kind of two-dimensional periodic arrays of conducting metal patches or aperture elements, were usually used in the fields of antennas, radomes, etc., based on their passband or stop-band properties under different circumstances, especially for their characteristic shapes, sizes and metal materials of the FSSs unit cell, and also the thicknesses and electromagnetic parameters of the substrates, etc. However, the recent work has shown that the multilayer microwave absorbers (MMAs)[ 6] with introducing FSSs can adjust and improve the microwave absorbing properties of MMAs[ 7, 8] for their electric and magnetic resonant features[ 9]. Based on these former researches, there are possibilities of developing absorbing properties at low frequencies by introducing FSS layers into the traditional radar absorbing materials.

In this paper, two kinds of traditional MAM rubber plates were prepared by vulcanizing method, with their relative permittivity and permeability measured from coaxial method. Meanwhile, two kinds of fractal FSS layers embedded with the MAM plates were also fabricated out using laser etching technique. The Minkowski loop was chosen as the unit cell of fractal FSSs due to its tunable frequency resonant responses and absorption enhancement for MAM just according to its geometrical feature[ 10, 11]. Then by combining both MAM plates and FSS layers in proper arrangements, the effects of FSSs on the absorbing properties of MMAs at low-frequency ranges were studied in detail.

1 Experiment

The Minkowski loops as shown in Fig. 1 were chosen as the unit cell of fractal FSSs, named X1(Fig. 1(a)) and X2 (Fig. 1(b)). The aluminum were printed on one side of 0.05-(mm)-thickness polyethylene substrate (relative dielectric constant εr=2.25), with dimensions as follows: (a) L1=8 mm, G1=3 mm, D1= D2=2 mm; (b) L2=18 mm, G2= 6 mm, D3=0.5 mm, D4= D5= D6=2 mm. Particularly, both the X1 and X2 loops had the same periodic dimension P=20 mm, and the same line width W=0.2 mm. In theory, the real fractal FSS is generated after infinite times of iterations; however, the fractal FSS with finite iterative times can meet the practical demands. The constructing procedure for single-layer fractal FSS (X2) originated from the previous one (X1). The step of constructing X2 in the process was to copy four self-similar loops to the four corners of X1, respectively. Each iteration involved transformations of scaling and translating the previous iteration. The resulting points of the geometry could be expressed as follows[ 10]:

Previous points:

Transformational formula:

Resulting points:

Fig. 1 Schematic diagrams of proposed fractal FSS

Where p i+1, the resulting set of points for the i+1 iteration was composed of the union of the previous iteration points p i and the transformed points, T1through T4.

The laser etching technique was proposed to fabricate the real fractal periodic FSS samples (X1 and X2) due to its advantages of high precision. Meanwhile, the flaky metal magnetic powders were chosen as absorbents and the hydrogenation acrylonitrile-butadiene rubbles (HNBR) as aggloment. After the procedures of blending, roll mixing and vulcanizing, two traditional MAM samples named MA and JPN were prepared with the thicknesses of 1.2 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively. Both the FSS and the MAM samples have the same dimensions of 400 mm×400 mm.

As shown in Fig. 2, after the periodic FSS layers X1 and X2 being pasted: (1) on the surface; (2) in the middle; (3) at the bottom of the two MAM layers MA and JPN, respectively, MMA samples with different kinds of arrangements were fabricated. The prepared plates were properly used in certain arrangements illustrated in Table 1. In order to find out the effect of FSSs on the absorbing properties of microwave absorbers in L and S frequency bands, the reflectivity of samples were measured using an 8722ES network analyzer within the swept frequency range.

Fig. 2 Structure of MMA samples with FSSs located at different positions

Table 1 Arrangements of the MMA samples
2 Results and discussion

The measured relative permittivity ε and permeability μ of the flaky metal magnetic powders were presented in Fig. 3. Based on these materials, the fabricated MAM layers of MA and JPN could exhibit different absorbing properties, with reflectivity results as shown in Fig. 4. The single MAM layer S1has an absorbing peak value of -29.17 dB at 3.87 GHz, however, the reflectivity value at 1 GHz is only -1.36 dB. For the case of sample S2, though the reflectivity value is -3.29 dB at 1 GHz, the peak value is only -3.79 dB at 1.26 GHz. Clearly, neither S1nor S2 is good enough for the demands at low frequency bands. When S1 and S2 were combined to produce the double-layer-composite sample S3, much of the incident microwave within about 2-4 GHz was reflected. Therefore, S3 behaved bad performances at low frequencies, in spite of the increase for the peak value and reflectivity value at 1 GHz. After switching the places of S1 and S2, the reflectivity of the sample S4 is nearly all under -3 dB within about 1.1-4 GHz and it presents much better absorbing performances. The absorbing peak value for S4 is -8.98 dB around 1.84 GHz. However, the reflectivity value of S4 is only -0.68 dB at 1 GHz, and it is possible to introduce FSSs into this original multilayer composite for developing its absorbing properties at low frequencies.

Fig. 3 Relative electromagnetic parameters ε, μ of (a) MA and (b) JPN

Fig. 4 Reflectivity of MAMs: MA and JPN

Figure 5 demonstrates the effects of FSSs on the reflectivity of MMAs at low frequencies. For the cases of proposing single FSS layer, the peak value of sample S5 is -9.81 dB, which is much stronger than that of sample S6(-8.6 dB). This may be caused by the fact that the schematic diagram of X2 is much more complicated than that of X1 and this means that the aluminum-metal overlay area for X2 is much wider than that for X1. Therefore, when X2 is placed on the surface, much more incident microwave could be reflected compared with the case of X1, leading to weaker absorbing performances. However, the samples S5 and S6almost have the same reflectivity values at 1 GHz: -2.64 and -2.93 dB, respectively, neither of which could satisfy our demands of application. Based on this, the sample S7with X1 and X2 both introduced into the original multilayer composite S4 was investigated. Though the peak value of S7 dropped to -8.29 dB, its reflectivity curve indicated that the reflectivity value at 1 GHz is -4.28 dB, decreased by a large amount compared with those of samples S1-S6, which is mainly due to the stronger electromagnetic resonance of the introduced X1 and X2 layers[ 10, 11]. As a consequence, proposing double FSS layers provides the possibilities of enhancing the absorption properties for MMAs.

Fig. 5 Reflectivity of MMAs with and without FSS layers

Figure 6 exhibits the reflectivity of the samples S8-S11containing double FSSs embedded at different positions at low frequencies. The double FSS layers could be arranged on the surface, in the middle and at the bottom of the two MAM layers, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. The different arrangements have been illustrated in Table 1. Definitely, after introducing the double FSS layers, the reflectivities of S8-S11 are under -3 dB within the full frequency band of 1-4 GHz which mainly originated from composite effects of the MAM and the introduced double FSS layers. It means that the multi-bands resonance properties of the introduced double FSS layers could enhance the absorbing properties of the composite MAM. Based on the results of S7 in Fig. 6, the connected double FSS layers X1 and X2 of S8 are removed from the top to the bottom and the peak values is decreased to -7.48 dB and the reflectivity value at 1 GHz is increased to -3.12 dB, which indicates the trends of bad performances on the absorbing properties at low frequencies by proposing connected double FSS layers. The introduced FSS layers X1 and X2 were arranged separated from each other by spacing traditional microwave absorbers in MMAs, producing the samples of S9-S11. Though both S9and S10 have almost the same peak value, the reflectivity value at 1 GHz of S10 is -4.44 dB, larger than that of S9of -3.33 dB, which is mainly due to the stronger electromagnetic coupling resonance effect of the introduced X1 and X2 layers[ 11]. Then the reflectivity value of S11 indicate that arranging the FSS layers X2 and X1 on the surface and at the surface places, respectively, the reflectivity value at 1 GHz could be still kept under -3 dB and moreover the peak value is enhanced to -9.35 dB. Therefore, owing to the strong electromagnetic coupling resonance effect of the FSS, introducing double FSS layers in a proper arrangement is able to provide a practicable way to strengthen the absorbing properties effectively within low frequency bands.

Fig. 6 Reflectivity of MMAs containing double FSSs embedded at different positions

3 Conclusion

In summary, we designed ultra-thin composite absorbers consisting of different arrangements of MAM rubber plates and FSS in low frequency. The single and double Minkowski metal loop FSS layers were designed and pasted with the MAM rubber plates in different arrangements to produce MMA samples. The reflectivity results measured with NRL-arch testing systems presented that the introducing fractal FSS layers could improve the absorbing properties of MMAs effectively at low frequencies. Moreover, proposing two FSS layers could exhibit better absorption performances compared with the case of single FSS layer. At the thickness of only 1.8 mm, the MMA sample with X1 and X2 placed at the bottom and on the surface, respectively, is able to gain the peak value of -9.35 dB and the reflectivity value at 1 GHz of -3.49 dB. Thus, the FSS layers could supply a potential new way to satisfy the urgent demands of developing absorbing properties at low frequency bands.

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