ZnO纳米棒阵列的水热生长条件对柔性染料敏化 太阳能电池的影响
朱新波1, 方晓东1,2,3, 邓赞红1,2, 董伟伟1,2, 王时茂1, 邵景珍1, 胡林华2, 朱俊2
1. 中国科学院 安徽光学精密机械研究所, 合肥230031
2. 中国科学院 新型薄膜太阳电池重点实验室, 合肥230031
3. 中国科学技术大学 物理学院, 合肥 230029

利用水热法在不同条件下在ITO-PET(tin-doped indium oxide polyethylene terephthalate)上制备氧化锌纳米棒阵列, 通过一些定量的参数, 如纳米棒的直径、长度和棒密度来表征纳米棒的形貌. 通过改变反应条件可以调节上述参数. 分别讨论了两个重要条件: 反应时间和前驱体浓度. 研究表明前驱体浓度对长径比有重要影响. 柔性基底上的氧化锌纳米棒作为染料敏化电池的新型光阳极, 长径比的改变对柔性电池有重要的影响. 可通过调节反应条件来提高柔性染料敏化电池的性能.

关键词: 氧化锌纳米棒阵列; 水热; 柔性; 染料敏化太阳能电池
中图分类号:O647   文献标志码:A    文章编号:1000-324X(2012)07-0775-05
Effects of Hydrothermal Growth Conditions of ZnO Nanorods Arrays on Flexible Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
ZHU Xin-Bo1, FANG Xiao-Dong1,2,3, DENG Zan-Hong1,2, DONG Wei-Wei1,2, WANG Shi-Mao1, SHAO Jing-Zhen1, HU Lin-Hua2, ZHU Jun2
1. Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Photonic Devices and Materials, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
2. Key Lab of New Thin Film Solar Cells, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
3. School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China
Corresponding author: FANG Xiao-Dong, professor. E-mail:xdfang@aiofm.ac.cn

ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNRs) were prepared on the tin-doped indium oxide polyethylene terephthalate (ITO-PET) by hydrothermal method under different conditions. Morphology of ZNRs was characterized by some quantitative parameters such as the diameter and length of nanorod and the density of rods. All these parameters were adjusted by changing the reaction conditions. Two important reaction conditions including reaction time and precursor concentration are discussed separately. It is demonstrated that the precursor concentration has great influence on the aspect ratio of nanorod. Flexible substrates with ZNRs are used as the novel photoanode of flexible dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). The aspect ratio of nanorod has major influence on the performance of flexible DSCs. The performance of flexible DSCs is improved by controlling the reaction conditions.

Keyword: ZnO nanorod arrays; hydrothermal; flexible; dye-sensitized solar cells

With the advancement of science and technology, a variety of new solar cells has been extensively concerned because of the wide range of potential application[ 1, 2]. Particularly flexible DSCs are presently under intense investigation in many laboratories[ 3, 4]. These flexible DSCs using the transparent conducting plastic film have advantages of flexibility, light-weight and low-cost. However, flexible DSCs using ITO-PET substrate can not achieve the performance of the DSCs using the Fluorine-doped tin oxide glass (FTO-glass) which could be heat-treated over 400℃[ 4]. In 2005, Law et al[ 5] used ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNRs) instead of TiO2 nanoparticles as the photoanode. Since the hydrothermal growth of ZNRs is under mild conditions, the performance of less stable ITO-PET doesn’t change on the process of ZNRs growth[ 3]. ZNRs on ITO-PET as photoanodes provide a new way for the production of flexible DSCs. And the ordered nanorod arrays are favorable for electron transfer due to high electron mobility and direct transport channels[ 5, 6]. In this study, the morphology of the ZNRs was regulated by changing reaction time and concentration, and the ZNRs were described by some important parameters such as diameter, length, density and aspect ratio. All these parameters together determine the total surface area which directly influences the performance of flexible DSCs by dye adsorption.


The schematic structure of flexible DSC is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Schematic structure of flexible DSC1. ITO-PET; 2. ZnO seeded layers; 3. Dye-sensitized ZNRs and electrolyte solution; 4. Platinum electrode; 5. ITO-PET or the FTO-glass

1.1 Preparation of ZNRs

ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNRs) were grown by a typical two-step method[ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], which comprised of ZnO seed layer deposited on ITO-PET (15 Ω/□, Peccell) by spin-coating and ZNRs grew on the seed layer by hydrothermal method. Firstly, ZnO transparent colloidal solution was obtained by a Sol-Gel method. Zinc acetate dehydrate (ZAC) (0.01 mol/L) was dissolved in methanol at 60℃ under vigorous stirring. Then a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution in methanol (0.03 mol/L) was dropwisely added and stirred at 60℃ for 2 h. The volume ratio of ZAC solution of methanol and NaOH solution of methanol was 2:1. After cooling to room temperature, the coating solution was obtained. Then the coating solution was spin-coated onto ITO-PET at 1500 r/min for five times according to the expected thickness of ZnO seed layers, between every two layers, the seeded ITO-PET was subsequently baked for about 10 min in an oven at 60℃. At last, it was baked in an oven at 120℃. The second step was the growth of ZNRs on the seeded ITO-PET by hydrothermal method. In this experiment, two growth conditions including the reaction time and the precursor concentration were adjusted to investigate their influence on the morphology of ZNRs. The precursor solution was prepared by mixing the zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2) with methenamine (C6H12N4) while keeping their volume ratio at 1:1. The hydrothermal growth was carried out at 95℃ in a general purpose autoclave (80 mL) by immersing the seeded substrates in the precursor solutions (60 mL). After several hours’ reaction, the substrates were taken out and rinsed with deionized water and then dried at 60℃ in air.

1.2 Assembly of flexible DSCs

Flexible DSCs were assembled by a simple process as follows. The dye-sensitized photoanodes were prepared by adsorbing dye N-719 (bis-tetrabutylammonium cis-bis (isothiocyanato) bis(2,2’-bipyridyl-4,4’-dicarboxylato) ruthenium(II)) onto ZNRs. The platinized FTO glass used as counter electrode was placed on the top of the photoanode and sealed with 30 μm thickness thermal adhesive films (Bynel, DuPont, USA). The electrolyte solution (0.6 mol/L tetrapropylammonium iodide, 0.1 mol/L iodine, 0.1 mol/L lithium iodide, 0.5 mol/L 4-tertbutylpyridine (TBP) in 3-methoxpropiponitrile) was filled into the space between the photoanode and the counter electrode from a hole made on the counter electrode using capillary action. The active electrode area was 0.25 cm2.

1.3 Characterization

The images of ZNRs were characterized using a field- emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) (FESEM, FEI Sirion-200, USA). The performance of flexible DSCs was measured with a Keithley 2420 digital source meter under irradiation of a solar simulator (Newport Oriel 94043A, USA, AM1.5, 100 mW/cm2). All the measurements were conducted at room temperature.

2 Results and discussions
2.1 Effect of reaction time

ZNRs with different morphologies were obtained by controlling the reaction time. Figure 2 shows the SEM images of ZNRs prepared with the 0.05 mol/L precursor solution at different reaction times. The diameters of nanorods are different on the same image. By selecting the nanorods in a certain area on the statistics, the distribution density of ZnO nanorods diameters is in line with normal distribution and the diameter of nanorods is selected in the peak of the normal distribution. The diameter of nanorod is varied from 70 nm to 150 nm while the density of rods decreases rapidly from 4.5×109 rods/cm2 to 1.4 ×109 rods/cm2. The thickness is changed from 1.1 μm to 2.7 μm.

Fig. 2 SEM images of ZnO nanorods at different reaction time(a) 4 h; (b) 8 h; (c) 10 h; (d) 12 h; (e) 14 h

As shown in Fig. 3, the growth of nanorods is divided into two stages with the reaction time. When the reaction time is less than 10 h, the diameter and length increase rapidly and the density of rods decreases fast. When the reaction time is more than 10 h, the change becomes slower. The change rate in the diameter and the density is inversely proportional relationship, because two or more nanorods are integrated into a new nanorod leading to the decrease of density, and the increase of diameter[ 11].

Fig. 3 The change of length, diameter and density of nanorods with the reaction time from 4 h to 14 h

From Fig. 4, the aspect ratio increases from 16 to 20, and then reduces to 18 after reacted for 10 h. As the reaction time increases, the decrease of aspect ratio is mainly due to the constant length after reacted for 10 h.

Fig. 4 The relationship between aspect ratio and the reaction time

The performance of flexible DSCs changes as shown in Fig. 5. As the reaction time increases, the open circuit voltage ( VOC) and fill factor ( FF) change slightly, but the short-circuit current density ( JSC) and cell conversion efficiency ( EFF) change obviously. Because the trend of the current density and the conversion efficiency is consistent, the photocurrent determines the performance of flexible DSCs. The photocurrent of the DSCs depends on the total surface area[ 12, 13]. Since the aspect ratio changes with the reaction time, there is a maximum point of the total surface area. This implies that the aspect ratio is the most important factor for the performance of flexible DSCs in this experiment.

Fig. 5 Photoelectric performance parameters of flexible DSCs based on ZNRs at different reaction time

2.2 Effect of precursor concentration

Figure 6 shows the different morphologies of the ZNRs on the ITO-PET obtained by changing the precursor con- centration at 10 h reaction time. As shown in Fig. 7, the diameter and the length increase obviously with the increase of precursor concentration. The change rate in the diameter and the density are also inversely proportional relationship, and the reason is the same as the mentioned before. The density of rods reduces in two stages. At low precursor concentration, the density reduces quickly from 4.2×109 rods/cm2 to 1.5 ×109 rods/cm2. When the precursor concentration is higher than 0.03 mol/L, the density decreases slowly from 1.5×109 rods/cm2 to 1.1 ×109 rods/cm2. The possible reason is that the effective reaction time is short at low concentration.

Fig. 6 SEM images of ZnO nanorods prepared at different growth concentrations(a) 0.02 mol/L; (b) 0.03 mol/L; (c) 0.04 mol/L; (d) 0.05 mol/L; (e) 0.06 mol/L; (f) 0.08 mol/L

Fig. 7 Changes of length, diameter and density of nanorods with the precursor concentration from 0.01 mol/L to 0.08 mol/L

As shown in the Fig. 8, the aspect ratio increases obviously from 15 to 23. When the concentration is greater than 0.06, the aspect ratio then reduces to 19. It is also demonstrated that concentration has a significant role on aspect ratio of nanorods by changing growth speed. From analysis of Fig. 3 and Fig. 7, when the precursor concen tration is lower than 0.06 mol/L, the higher concentration can effectively promote the growth of (002) crystal surface to achieve the purpose of increasing aspect ratio[ 7, 12]. The aspect ratio decreases to 19 at 0.08 mol/L, and an obvious reason is that 10 h is longer than the optimum reaction time. As shown in Fig. 8, the conversion efficiency and the current density increase because of the increase of aspect ratio. This result is similar with the reports in Ref[ 12, 13]that the morphology of the ZNRs has great influence on the performance of the DSC.

Fig. 8 The relationship between the aspect ratio and the reaction concentration

Fig. 9 Photoelectric performance parameters of flexible DSCs based on ZNRs at different precursor concentrations

3 Conclusion

A simple method was applied in the production of flexible DSCs. One-dimensional ZNRs were synthesized by mild hydrothermal method utilizing Zn(NO3)2•6H2O and C6H12N4 at 95℃ on the seeded ITO-PET. Morphology parameters such as diameter and length of nanorods were changed by controlling the reaction time or concentration. In our experiment, the reaction time and the precursor concentration have important influence on the aspect ratio. When the precursor concentration is lower than 0.06 mol/L, increasing precursor concentration will be good for growth of (002) crystal surface. The advantage growth of (002) crystal surface is favorable for the improvement of the total surface area because of the change in the aspect ratio and the density of rods. Therefore, the precursor concentration is the most important factor for the performance of flexible DSCs. Though the maximum conversion efficiency of flexible DSCs is only 0.18%, it is believed that the aspect ratio could be further improved by controlling the reaction conditions, and the performance will be accordingly improved.

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