徐浩, 汤成莉, 张倩, 延卫
西安交通大学 环境科学与工程系, 西安 710049

提出了一种新的氧化物电极制备方法: 微波热解法. 分别采用微波热解法及刷涂热解法来制备电极. 通过SEM、XRD、强化寿命、线性扫描等测试手段对两种电极进行了比较. 以酸性红G为目标物考察两种电极的电催化性能. 与传统刷涂热解法相比, 微波热解法所需操作时间较少(2 h), 操作步骤及强度也较低. 结果表明, 新方法制备得到的电极在表面形貌、氧化物晶型、电极稳定性、氧析出电位及电催化性能等方面, 相比于传统方法制备的电极, 均有一定程度的提升.

关键词: 微波法; 刷涂法; SnO2电极; 电极性能
中图分类号:O643   文献标志码:A    文章编号:1000-324X(2012)06-0667-06
A Microwave Approach to the Preparation of Sb-doped SnO2 Electrode
XU Hao, TANG Cheng-Li, ZHANG Qian, YAN Wei
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi#cod#x02019;an 710049, China
Corresponding author: YAN Wei, Professor. E-mail:yanwei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

A novel method of microwave irradiation assisted thermal decomposition to prepare metal oxide electrodes was proposed in this paper. The electrodes were prepared by the microwave irradiation and the dip-coating method, respectively. The as-prepared electrodes were characterized with scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), linear sweep voltammetry and accelerated life test to find out the difference between the novel method and the traditional one. Wastewater degradation experiment was also carried out using the electrodes prepared with the above mentioned approaches, with Acid Red G as target pollutant. In comparison with the traditional dip-coating thermal decomposition method, the microwave irradiation method takes less time (2 h) and less complicated operation procedure. The results demonstrate that the electrode prepared by the novel microwave method is better in surface morphology, crystalline, stability and electro-catalytic property, comparing with that prepared by traditional method.

Keyword: microwave irradiation; dip-coating method; tin dioxide electrode; electrode property

Antimony (Sb) doped tin dioxide electrodes have attracted increasing interests recently because of its high over potential of oxygen evolution, which is beneficial for the enhancement in electrocatalytic activity of the electrode when used for organic compound degra-dation[ 1, 2]. However, the predominant shortcoming of the Sb-SnO2 electrode is the weak stability, leading to a poor resistance to the occurring of oxygen evolution reaction[ 3]. To improve the electrode’s stability, some specific elements have been doped, especially Iridium and Ruthenium[ 4, 5, 6, 7].

In addition to the electrode materials, the preparation approach is another key factor that would affect the electrode property especially the surface structure, which is closely related to the electro-catalytic activity and lifetime of the electrode[ 8]. At present the widely used technique to fabricate Sb-SnO2 electrodes is the brushing coating plus thermal decomposition method[ 9, 10]. The disadvantages of the method are associated with the poor combination between the coating layer and the titanium substrate, repeated operation and waste in time. Therefore, new approaches have been developed and introduced to the preparation of doped SnO2 electrodes in recent years. Feng et al[ 11]reported the fabrication of the Ti/SnO2-Sb2O5 electrode by a simple method of alternating electro-deposition in the Sn and Sb containing electrolytes. Comninellis et al[ 12] prepared SnO2-Sb2O5films on the Ti substrates by spray pyrolysis technique. Zhao et al[ 13] successfully synthesized high quality Sb-doped SnO2 electrodes on the Ti substrates by in situ hydrothermal synthesis method. In addition, the Sol-Gel process[ 14] was introduced to the preparation of electrode precursor, which tended to generate nano-oxide with uniform particle size distribution. Besides, laser firing of oxide coating was applied to replace the calcination process[ 15]. Previously, our team reported a novel spin-coating method to prepare the cylindrical Sb doped SnO2 electrode[ 16].

To the best of our knowledge, there is no relevant report on preparing the metal oxide electrode by using the microwave method. Herein, we reported the preparation of Sb-doped SnO2 electrode with favorable electro-catalytic activity and electrochemical stability by the microwave irradiation method. The microstructure and electrochemical performance of as-prepared electrodes were then characterized with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and tested with linear sweep voltammetry and accelerated life test. Wastewater degradation experiment was also carried out to evaluate the electrocatalytic activity of the fabricated electrode, in comparison with that prepared by traditional dip-coating method.

1 Experiment
1.1 Electrode preparation

High purity (99.6% purity) titanium (Ti) plate (30 mm×30 mm×1 mm) was used as the substrate, the surface of which was firstly polished with 600 grit-sand papers and cleaned with deionized water. Then the Ti plate was etched in 10wt% oxalic acid at 98℃ for 2 h, followed by thoroughly washing with deionized water before use. The synthesis solution was prepared by dissolving 10% SnCl4·5H2O and 1% SbCl3 in absolute alcohol, subsequently adjusted the pH of solution to 1.

The dip-coating method procedure was as follows: the pretreated titanium plate was brushed with the precursor solution, followed by drying at 120℃ for 15 min, and then it was calcinated in a muffle oven at 450℃ for 15 min. This procedure was repeated for 10 times. For the last time, the electrode was annealed at 450℃ for 1 h to induce phase transformation.

The microwave method (Multiwave 3000, Anton Paar) procedure was as follows: The pretreated titanium plate was fixed in a Teflon lined microwave digestion vessel containing the synthesis solution and then the vessel was sealed. The apparatus parameters were set as follows: 400 W in power, pressure of 4 MPa, heating up time of 15 min, retention time of 90 min and cooling time of 15 min. The as-prepared electrode was then washed thoroughly with deionized water and dried in air. The calcination process (CMF1100, Hefei Kejin Co. Ltd, China) was also carried out subsequently at 450℃ for 1 h.

1.2 Electrode characterization

The morphology of the metal oxide coating film was examined by SEM (JEOL, JSM-6700F). The crystal structure of the as-prepared electrodes was characterized by a Rigaku D/MAX-2400X X-Ray Diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation.

The electrochemical characteristic measurement of the prepared electrodes was performed in a three-electrode cell at room temperature, with the as-prepared electrode serve as the working electrodes, Pt plate as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl/saturated KCl electrode as the reference electrode. The electrochemical measurement was conducted on the electrochemical working system (LK3200A, Lanlike, China) at room temperature. The linear scanning voltammetry was carried out at a sweep speed of 20 mV/s in the range of 0 V to and 2.5 V vs Ag/AgCl/saturated KCl electrode, with 20 g/L Na2SO4 solution as supporting electrolyte. For the accelerated life test, the current density was maintained at 100 mA/cm2 in 0.5 mol/L Na2SO4 solution supporting electrolyte. The electrode was defined to be inactivated when the cell voltage reaches 10.0 V here.

1.3 Wastewater degradation

All the degradation experiments were carried out with Acid Red G (ARG) as the simulated organic pollutant. The as-prepared electrode was served as the anode and the cathode was titanium sheet, with a distance between the two electrodes of 1.5 cm. The original ARG concentration was 50 mg/L and 0.1 mol/L Na2SO4was added to the aqueous solution as the supporting electrolyte. The experiments were carried out at room temperature (22±1)℃. Water samples were withdrawn from the solution every 20 min during the process for HPLC and TOC analyses. Total organic carbon (TOC) of the water sample was determined by a Shimadzu TOC 5000A apparatus. Waters HPLC system (515 HPLC pump, 2489 UV/visible detector and 717 plus autosampler) was used to identify the organic compounds with an ACE 5 C18 column (φ250 mm×4.6 mm). The composition of the mobile phase was 80% acetonitrile and 20% acetic acid (20 mL acetic acid in 1000 mL deionized water). The flow rate was 0.8 mL/min and the UV-Vis detector was set at 503 nm. The retention time of the probe in this condition was 2.8 min. The color removal efficiency was calculated from the probe peak area.

2 Results and discussion
2.1 Surface morphology

The morphology of the electrodes prepared by dip-coating method and microwave deposition method was investigated by SEM, respectively. Figure 1 (a) presents a typical mud-crack appearance of the Ti/Sb-SnO2 electrode fabricated with dip-coating method. The cracks may allow the treated solution diffusing towards the titanium base, leading to the occurring of electrochemical reactions at the interface of the titanium base and the out-layer. For instance, oxygen radicals generated from the electrochemical reactions could oxidize the titanium base to insulated titanium dioxide thereby decreasing the lifetime of the electrode. Moreover, oxygen can impact the Sb-SnO2 layer to split away from the titanium base, making the electrode unstable. While, Fig. 1 (b) shows the less smooth but compact surface of the electrode prepared by microwave approach. Some particles with particle size smaller than 5 μm were also observed to adhere onto the electrode surface. It can be obviously seen that there is much less cracks formed at the electrode surface compared to the dip-coating produced electrode. More compact surface can decrease the possibility of electrolyte diffusion into the titanium base; consequently, improve the stability of the electrode.

Fig. 1 SEM images of the Sb-SnO2 electrodes(a) Dip-coating method; (b) Microwave method

2.2 XRD analysis

XRD patterns of the electrodes prepared by both microwave and dip-coating method are shown in Fig. 2. The XRD pattern of the dip-coating fabricated electrode shows the typical diffraction peaks of titanium at 38°, 40°, 54° and 71°, respectively. Comparing to that, the microwave fabricated electrode shows weaker diffraction peaks, especially at the reflection peak at 40°. This phenomenon indicates that the titanium base is well covered by the metal oxide crystal formed on its surface, which is in accordance with the SEM analysis displayed above. The peaks at 26.51°, 33.80° and 51.85° are the characteristic diffraction peaks belonging to crystalline SnO2.It is noticed that all the peaks, namely 26.61°(110), 33.89°(101) and 51.78°(211) (ICSD39173), shift towards higher angles from the standard crystalline SnO2 diffraction peak, which is probably due to the solid solution formed between Sb and SnO2. The ionic radius of Sb5+ and Sn4+ are 0.060 nm and 0.069 nm, respectively. The difference between them is 13%, which is less than the threshold value of 15% proposed by Hume-Rothery principle[ 6]. Hence, it is likely to form solid solution between Sb and SnO2. Considering the intensity of the Sb-SnO2 diffraction peaks, there is no evident difference between the two types of electrodes. Nevertheless, the microwave produced electrode shows the sharper peak comparing with the dip-coating one, indicating that the higher crystallization degree is achieved by the microwave approach. According to Scherrer equation[ 17], the average crystal size of Sb-SnO2 formed by the microwave method is 32.8 nm, while it is 27.5 nm for the dip-coating method one. In the dip-coating process, the repeated calcination steps make the metal oxide formed on the electrode surface disperse uniformly. But in the microwave process, one time calcination make the metal oxide disperse not so fully as the former one, consequently a larger crystal size is get .

Fig. 2 XRD patterns of the Sb-SnO2 electrodes

2.3 Accelerated life test

The accelerated life tests were conducted to evaluate the electrochemical lifetime of the electrodes prepared by dip-coating and microwave method, respectively (Fig. 3). As we set 10 V ( vs Ag/AgCl) as the electrode failure criteria, the service life was about 95 min for the microwave fabricated electrode while it was only 25 min for the dip-coating one. It is well known that under the same circumstances, the electrode life depends on the characteristics of the electrode, specifically, the amount of metal oxide deposited on the electrode surface and the compactness of the electrode surface. In the regard of Sb/SnO2 oxide loading, the dip-coating type of electrode was 1.1 mg/cm2while the microwave type of electrode was 3.2 mg/cm2, suggesting the better effect of microwave fabrication. In the real application of dip-coating fabricated electrode, the electrolyte may diffuse through the cracks towards the titanium base, consequently cause the oxygen evolution reaction to occur. Oxygen would result in the formation of insulated TiO2 layer between the titanium base and the out-layer (Sb-SnO2), thus the deactivation of the electrode in a short time was achieved. In the case of microwave type of electrode, the more compact surface lead to a stronger resistance to the electrolyte diffusion into the titanium base and a decreased probability of oxygen evolution, thus a better stability and a longer lifetime are expected.

Fig. 3 Accelerated life test of the Sb-SnO2 electrodes

2.4 Linear scanning voltammetry

As we know, the oxygen evolution reaction at the anode is the predominant side reaction in the electrochemical process. Figure 4 shows the linear sweep voltammetry of the electrodes prepared by dip-coating and microwave method, respectively. It can be clearly seen from Fig. 4 that the over potential of oxygen evolution at microwave fabricated electrode is 1.70 V (Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode), but that for dip-coating fabricated electrode is 1.66 V (Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode), indicating a declined possibility of oxygen evolution. The oxygen evolution mechanism is elucidated in Equations (1-3). First, water is decomposed to generate ·OH radicals at the SnO2 electrode surface in the presence of electric field (Equation 1). Then the generated ·OH radicals are physically adsorbed onto the electrode surface to oxidize the surrounding organic compounds R (Equation 2). Meanwhile, the generated ·OH radicals collide with each other to produce oxygen (Equation 3)[ 18, 19]. According to the XRD results analyzed above, the size of the crystal grain prepared by microwave method is greater than that of the dip-coating method. As a result, the probability of collision between ·OH radicals at the microwave fabricated electrode is less than the latter one in the view of statistics. Further, the oxygen evolution probability of the former electrode is less than the latter one, which is reflected in the linear sweep curve that the over potential of oxygen evolution at microwave electrode is higher than the dip-coating electrode.

SnO2 + H2O → SnO2(·OH) + H+ +e- (1)

·OH + R →·RO +[H] (2)

·OH +·OH → H2O + 1/2 O2↑ (3)

Fig. 4 Linear sweep voltammetry of the Sb-SnO2 electrodes

2.5 Electrochemical degradation of ARG

To evaluate the electrocatalytical property of the electrodes prepared by two different approaches, electrochemical degradation of organic pollutants experiment was carried out with ARG chosen as the organic probe. The decoloration and degradation efficiency of ARG at dip-coating and microwave Sb-doped SnO2electrodes are shown in Fig.5. It can be clearly observed from Fig. 5 (a) that the microwave electrode exhibits a slightly better performance in the decoloration effect of ARG than the dip-coating electrode does, with removal efficiency of 85.41% and 84.64% after treatment for 2 h, respectively. The TOC removal process shows a similar result with the color removal process at two different electrodes, with removal efficiency of 7.82% and 5.05% for microwave method and dip-coating method after 2 h treatment, respectively. This result is in consistent with the over potential of oxygen evolution measured in linear sweep voltammetry, that is to say, higher over potential results in more·OH radical accumulated at the microwave-fabricated electrode surface, compared with the dip-coating electrode. Consequently, a higher decoloration and degradation rate on microwave electrode is achieved. Though the enhancement is not obvious and encouraging, the microwave approach provides an alternative to fabricate Ti/Sb-SnO2 electrode with less troublesome procedure and competitive result than the conventional dip-coating method.

Fig. 5 Electrochemical treatment of ARG wastewater of the Sb-SnO2 electrodes(a) ARG removal; (b) TOC removal

3 Conclusion

High quality Sb doped SnO2 electrode was successfully prepared on the Ti substrate by microwave method and dip-coating method, and the comparison in electrochemical performance between them was also discussed. The SEM images of the microwave-electrode reveal a more compact surface morphology than the dip-coating one, and a better and larger crystal of SnO2 compared with the dip-coating electrode is calculated from the XRD pattern. The service life of the microwave electrode is measured to be 95 min while it is 25 min for the dip-coating electrode. The microwave electrode also demonstrates a higher oxygen evolution potential of 1.70 V than the dip-coating electrode (1.66 V). During the electrochemical degradation process, the microwave electrode exhibited a better performance both in the color and TOC removal efficiency. Furthermore, compared with the dip-coating method, the microwave method consumed less time and operation procedure which was energy efficient in modern society.

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