Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 449-450.DOI: 10.15541/jim20200902

Special Issue: 电致变色材料与器件 电致变色专栏2021

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EDITORIAL: Eletrochromism Research in China

WANG Jinmin()   

  1. Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


Electrochromism has been developed for more than 50 years since it was discovered in the 1960s. The optical properties, such as color, transmittance, reflectance and emissivity, of electrochromic materials can be changed reversibly under low applied voltages. Electrochromic materials have a wide range of regulatable spectrum, which can realize the broadband control from visible to mid far infrared. Electrochromic materials show a wide application prospect in the fields of intelligent window, display, anti-glare rearview mirror, intelligent thermal control and camouflage. In the past decade, electrochromism research has shown a trend of vigorous development, especially in China. Electrochromism is attracting researchers in the fields of nanomaterials, vacuum coating, lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, sensing and display to get involved in this interdisciplinary field, gradually becoming one of hot research topics.

In the last special issue: Electrochromic Materials and Devices (2021, 36(2)), we published 5 papers. “Multi-functional Electrochromic Devices: Integration Strategies Based on Multiple and Single Devices”, “Electrochromic Devices Based on Tungsten Oxide and Nickel Oxide: a Review”, “Progress in Flexible Electrochromic Devices”, “Dynamic Process of Ions Transport and Cyclic Stability of WO3 Electrochromic Film”, and “High-conductivity Hydrophobic Fumed-SiO2 Composite Gel Electrolyte for High Performance Electrochromic Devices”. In this special issue, experts working in the field of electrochromism from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nanotechnology and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beihang University and University of Shanghai for Science and Technology contributed 5 papers. LI Yao’s group introduces the methods and principles of regulating the reflectance spectrum in the visible near infrared to mid far infrared bands and the latest research progress, and prospects the practical application of inorganic electrochromic materials in future. WANG Jinmin’s group introduces electrochromic materials and devices, preparation of molybdenum oxide films, modification of molybdenum oxide, and the research progress of molybdenum oxide based electrochromic devices. The paper also presents current existing problems and solutions of molybdenum oxide based electrochromic films and devices, and looks forward to their development prospects. DIAO Xungang’s group reports the preparation and electrochromic properties of lithium titanate thin films by spin coating method, and assembly of an all-solid-state inorganic electrochromic device. JIN Pingshi and CAO Xun’s group reports all-solid-state electrochromic devices based on LiAlOx/Ta2O5/LiAlOx (ATA) sandwich structured electrolyte fabricated by reactive DC magnetron sputtering technique. ZHAO Zhigang’s group reports the preparation of a multi-color tungsten oxide films with F-P cavity structure and their wide-spectrum electrochromic properties of visible and infrared spectral regions.

The special issue of Electrochromic Materials and Devices focuses on the latest research progress and future development trends in the field of electrochromic, and hopes that colleagues will benefit from it. It is expected that the electrochromism research in China will develop more rapidly in the future, gradually leading the new trend of international electrochromism research.