Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 260-268.DOI: 10.15541/jim20180320
Special Issue: 热电材料与器件; 优秀作者论文集锦; 优秀作者作品欣赏:能源材料
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SHEN Jia-Jun, FANG Teng, FU Tie-Zheng, XIN Jia-Zhan, ZHAO Xin-Bing, ZHU Tie-Jun
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SHEN Jia-Jun, FANG Teng, FU Tie-Zheng, XIN Jia-Zhan, ZHAO Xin-Bing, ZHU Tie-Jun. Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Thermoelectric Materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2019, 34(3): 260-268.
Fig.1 (a) Temperature dependence of the lattice thermal conductivity for Cu2-xSe[11] and (b) number of atoms in the primitive unit cell versus room temperature lattice thermal conductivity[12,13,14,15,16]
Fig. 2 (a) Schematic diagram of crystal structure for Ba8Ga16Ge30, (b) a simple spring model and (c) the corresponding dispersion relation of filled and unfilled clathrate[29]describing interaction between the host cages with a spring constant K1 and the guest atoms attached to the cages with a spring constant K2
Fig.4 (a) Phonon frequency dependence of spectral lattice thermal conductivity for (Nb0.6Ta0.4)0.8Ti0.2FeSb and Nb0.8Ti0.2FeSb, and (b) relationship between Ta content and lattice thermal conductivity/disorder parameter for (Nb0.6Ta0.4)0.8Ti0.2FeSb[70]
Fig. 5 (a) Inverse FFT images and strain mapping of dislocations in the Mg2Si0.5Sb0.5, and (b) lattice thermal conductivity comparison between Mg2Si1-xSbx and Mg2Si1-zSnz at room temperature[84]
Fig. 7 (a) Schematic diagram of electron-phonon scattering and (b) comparison of experimental and calculated lattice thermal conductivities by Callaway Model for the silicon sample[93]
Fig. 8 (a) Schematic diagram of the difference between diffusion model and phonon model, and (b) comparison of calculated minimum lattice thermal conductivities by Cahill model and diffuson model
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