Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (11): 1189-1194.DOI: 10.15541/jim20150191

• Orginal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Structure and Third-order Optical Nonlinearity Performance of Ge-Sn-Se Doped TiO2 Glass-ceramics at 1550 nm

QIAO Bei-Jing, CHEN Fei-Fei, NIE Qiu-Hua, DAI Shi-Xun, HUANG Yi-Cong   

  1. (Laboratory of Infrared Materials and Devices, The Research Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)
  • Received:2015-04-24 Revised:2015-05-28 Published:2015-11-20 Online:2015-10-20
  • About author:QIAO Bei-Jing. E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (61435009, 61308094);National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program) (2012CB722703);K.C.Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University


TiO2 manifested as nucleating agent was introduced in Ge-Sn-Se ternary chalcogenide glass by heat-melt method. Then the samples were heat-treated for different time. The experiment results indicated that heat treatment process can lead to the precipitation of GeSe2 monoclinic crystals and SnSe2 hexagonal crystals in the TiO2 doped Ge-Sn-Se glass with the heat treatment time increasing. The variety of UV cut-off wavelength, optical band gap and Urbach energy revealed that the number of defect units in glass-ceramic samples increased with the increment of heat treatment time. The third-order optical nonlinearity of all samples was measured by Z-scan technology at 1550 nm. The results showed that the formation of nano-crystals in glass-ceramic samples can improve the third-order nonlinear refraction index significantly due to the strong local field effect. The largest value of nonlinear refraction index reached 5.75×10-16 m2/W, and the sample heat-treated for 3 h was considered as a high-quality nonlinear optical material for its high nonlinear refraction index as well as high figure of merit.

Key words: glass-ceramic, nonlinear optics, chalcogenide glass, infrared and Raman spectra

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