Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (7): 683-693.DOI: 10.15541/jim20140648
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Dan-Jun1, 2, ZHANG Jie1, GUO Li1, SHEN Hui-Dong1, FU Feng1, XUE Gang-Lin2, FANG Yi-Fan1
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WANG Dan-Jun, ZHANG Jie, GUO Li, SHEN Hui-Dong, FU Feng, XUE Gang-Lin, FANG Yi-Fan. Modification Strategies for Semiconductor Photocatalyst Based on Energy Band Structure Theory[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2015, 30(7): 683-693.
Fig. 6 (A) Total DOSs of doped TiO2 and (B) DOSs of the dopants anion located at a substitutional site for O atom in the anatase TiO2 crystal[10] Ni-doped stands for N doping at an interstitial sites, and Ni-s-doped stands for doping at both substitutional and interstitial sites
Fig. 7 (A) Total DOS of S-doped TiO2 and (B) total DOS of F-doped TiO2[18] Eg indicates the band gap energy. The impurity states are labeled (I) and (II)
Fig. 8 Serial electronic structures of α-AgMO2(M=A1, Ga, In) and comparation of their photo catalytic activity (A) Electronic structures of α-AgMO2 (M=Al, Ga, In), (B) Photocatalytic degradation of isopropanol using α-AgGaO2 and α-AgInO2 under visible light irradiation (400 nm<λ<520 nm) and (C) Apparent photonic efficiency of acetone evolution using α-AgGaO2 for various wavelength ranges within the UV-visible absorption spectrum[28]
Fig. 11 (A)Schematic electronic structures of AgAlO2, AgGaO2 and AgAl1-xGaxO2 solid solutions; (B) UV-visible absorption spectra of β-AgAl1-xGaxO2 solid solutions; (C) Rate of acetone evolution, band-gap, and color of β-AgAl1-xGaxO2 as a function of x; (D) Apparent quantum efficiency of IPA photodegradation over β-AgAl0.6Ga0.4O2 in various wavelength ranges within the V-visible absorption spectrum[32]
Fig. 14 Photocatalytic activity enhancement of Ag-loaded Bi2WO6[48] (Left: room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Bi2WO6 (a), and Ag-loaded Bi2WO6 nanoarchitecture, λexcitation=300 nm; Right: Energy band diagram and photocatalytic scheme of the Ag-loaded Bi2WO6)
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