无机材料学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 561-570.DOI: 10.15541/jim20160479 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20160479
所属专题: MAX相和MXene材料
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张建峰, 曹惠杨, 王红兵
ZHANG Jian-Feng, CAO Hui-Yang, WANG Hong-Bing
Supported by:
MXene是一种新型的二维过渡金属碳化物或碳氮化物, 具有类似石墨烯的二维结构, 其化学通式是Mn+1XnTz, n = 1, 2, 3, 其中M为早期过渡金属元素, X为碳或氮元素, T为表面链接的F-、OH-、O2-等活性官能团。通过化学液相法可以选择性蚀刻掉MAX相中的A元素得到相应的MXene相。现今较为成熟的制备方法是HF蚀刻法。对MXene的结构与性能进行的第一性原理计算表明, 其具有独特的二维层状结构、较大的比表面积及良好的导电性、稳定性、磁性能和力学性能, 已广泛应用于储能、催化、吸附等多处领域。本文综述了类石墨烯二维材料MXene的理论、制备和应用方面的研究进展, 并对现有挑战和未来发展提出了建议。随着研究的进一步深入, MXene将被应用于更广泛的领域。
张建峰, 曹惠杨, 王红兵. 新型二维材料MXene的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2017, 32(6): 561-570.
ZHANG Jian-Feng, CAO Hui-Yang, WANG Hong-Bing. Research Progress of Novel Two-dimensional Material MXene[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2017, 32(6): 561-570.
图1 MAX相元素在元素周期表上的位置, 插图为MAX相的原子簇示意图[11]
Fig. 1 Fragment of the periodic table, showing elements forming MAX phases with general composition Mn+1AXn. Inset is an example of packing motif for the MAX phases[11]
图3 MXene的引文报告数据分析图
Fig. 3 Citation reports analysis of Mxene(a) The number of MXene papers published recently; (b) The number of citations about MXene published recently; (c) The contribution rate of ten main organizations in the 306 papers about MXene; (d) The contribution rate of ten main authors in the 306 papers about MXene
System | *Ecoh / eV | *ΔEcoh / eV |
*TiC | 7.49(7.16a; 9.14b; 9.28c; 7.20d; 7.30e; 7.31f; 7.45i) | - |
*Ti2AlC | 6.29(7.79c) | 1.20(1.49c) |
Ti2Al0.5C | 6.28 | 1.21 |
Ti2C | 6.28 | 1.21 |
Ti3AlC2 | 6.71(8.32c; 6.93g; 7.70h; 8.499j) | 0.78(0.96c) |
Ti3Al0.5C2 | 6.76 | 0.73 |
Ti3C2 | 6.82 | 0.67 |
表1 Tin+1AlCn、NB-Tin+1Al0.5Cn、NB-Tin+1Cn、B1-TiC的结合能Ecoh及结合能差ΔEcoh[37]
Table1 Cohesive energies ( Ecoh, ) and differences in Ecoh ( ΔE ) for MAX Tin+1AlCn phases, Tin+1Al0.5Cn and Tin+1Cn free-standing NBs uersus B1-TiC[37]
System | *Ecoh / eV | *ΔEcoh / eV |
*TiC | 7.49(7.16a; 9.14b; 9.28c; 7.20d; 7.30e; 7.31f; 7.45i) | - |
*Ti2AlC | 6.29(7.79c) | 1.20(1.49c) |
Ti2Al0.5C | 6.28 | 1.21 |
Ti2C | 6.28 | 1.21 |
Ti3AlC2 | 6.71(8.32c; 6.93g; 7.70h; 8.499j) | 0.78(0.96c) |
Ti3Al0.5C2 | 6.76 | 0.73 |
Ti3C2 | 6.82 | 0.67 |
图4 官能团化MXenes、石墨烯、烷、BN、MoS2的最低近自由电子态和费米能级(Ef)的相对能量与功函数的关系图[47]
Fig. 4 The relative energy position of the lowest NFE state for functionalized MXenes, as well as for graphene, graphane, BN, and MoS2 layers with respect to the Fermi level (Ef) as a function of the work function[47]
MXene content/wt% | Thickness/μm | Conductivity/(S·m-1) | Tensile strength/MPa | Young’s modulus/GPa | Strain to failure/% |
100 | 3.3 | 240238±3500 | 22±2 | 3.52±0.01 | 1.0±0.2 |
90 | 3.9 | 22433±1400 | 30±3 | 3.00±0.01 | 1.8±0.3 |
80 | 6.1 | 137±3 | 25±4 | 1.7±0.2 | 2.0±0.4 |
60 | 7.2 | 1.30±0.08 | 43±8 | 1.8±0.6 | 3.0±0.5 |
40 | 12.0 | 0.040±0.003 | 91±10 | 3.70±0.02 | 4.0±0.5 |
0 | 13.0 | - | 30±5 | 1.0±0.3 | 15.0±6.5 |
表2 Ti3C2Tx、Ti3C2Tx/PVA和PVA薄膜物理性质[53]
Table2 Physical properties of Ti3C2Tx, Ti3C2Tx/PVA and PVA films[53]
MXene content/wt% | Thickness/μm | Conductivity/(S·m-1) | Tensile strength/MPa | Young’s modulus/GPa | Strain to failure/% |
100 | 3.3 | 240238±3500 | 22±2 | 3.52±0.01 | 1.0±0.2 |
90 | 3.9 | 22433±1400 | 30±3 | 3.00±0.01 | 1.8±0.3 |
80 | 6.1 | 137±3 | 25±4 | 1.7±0.2 | 2.0±0.4 |
60 | 7.2 | 1.30±0.08 | 43±8 | 1.8±0.6 | 3.0±0.5 |
40 | 12.0 | 0.040±0.003 | 91±10 | 3.70±0.02 | 4.0±0.5 |
0 | 13.0 | - | 30±5 | 1.0±0.3 | 15.0±6.5 |
图5 HF剥离Ti3AlC2的过程示意图
Fig. 5 Schematic of the exfoliation process for Ti3AlC2(a) Ti3AlC2 structure; (b) Selective etching of the A element from the MAX phases after reaction with HF; (c) surface-terminating functional groups
MAX structure | MAX | MXene | Etching conduction | Particle size /μm | c-lattice parameter/nm | Ref. | |||
HF/% | Time/h | Temp. /℃ | MAX | MXene | |||||
211 | Ti2AlC | Ti2CTx | 10 | 10 | 25 | <35 | 1.360 | 1.504 | [10] |
Nb2AlC | Nb2CTx | 50 | 90 | 25 | <38 | 1.388 | 2.234 | [58] | |
V2AlC | V2CTx | 40 | 168 | 25 | <74 | 1.315 | 2.370 | [59] | |
TiNbAlC | TiNbCTx | 50 | 28 | 25 | <35 | 1.379 | 1.488 | [10] | |
312 | Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 50 | 2 | 25 | <35 | 1.842 | 2.051 | [10-11] |
Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 40 | 20 | 25 | - | 1.862 | 2.089 | [60] | |
Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 49 | 24 | 60 | - | 1.830 | 1.990 | [61] | |
Ti3AlCN | Ti3CNTx | 30 | 18 | 25 | <35 | 1.841 | 2.228 | [10] | |
(V0.5Cr0.5)2AlC2 | (V0.5Cr0.5)2C2Tx | 50 | 69 | 25 | <35 | 1.773 | 2.426 | [10] | |
413 | Ta4AlC3 | Ta4C3Tx | 50 | 72 | 25 | <35 | 2.408 | 3.034 | [10] |
Nb4AlC3 | Nb4C3Tx | 48-51 | 96 | 25 | <38 | 2.242 | 3.059 | [21] |
表3 不同工艺条件下HF剥离MAX制备MXene的晶格参数c值
Table3 Process conditions and c-lattice parameters for MXene synthesis from MAX phases
MAX structure | MAX | MXene | Etching conduction | Particle size /μm | c-lattice parameter/nm | Ref. | |||
HF/% | Time/h | Temp. /℃ | MAX | MXene | |||||
211 | Ti2AlC | Ti2CTx | 10 | 10 | 25 | <35 | 1.360 | 1.504 | [10] |
Nb2AlC | Nb2CTx | 50 | 90 | 25 | <38 | 1.388 | 2.234 | [58] | |
V2AlC | V2CTx | 40 | 168 | 25 | <74 | 1.315 | 2.370 | [59] | |
TiNbAlC | TiNbCTx | 50 | 28 | 25 | <35 | 1.379 | 1.488 | [10] | |
312 | Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 50 | 2 | 25 | <35 | 1.842 | 2.051 | [10-11] |
Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 40 | 20 | 25 | - | 1.862 | 2.089 | [60] | |
Ti3AlC2 | Ti3C2Tx | 49 | 24 | 60 | - | 1.830 | 1.990 | [61] | |
Ti3AlCN | Ti3CNTx | 30 | 18 | 25 | <35 | 1.841 | 2.228 | [10] | |
(V0.5Cr0.5)2AlC2 | (V0.5Cr0.5)2C2Tx | 50 | 69 | 25 | <35 | 1.773 | 2.426 | [10] | |
413 | Ta4AlC3 | Ta4C3Tx | 50 | 72 | 25 | <35 | 2.408 | 3.034 | [10] |
Nb4AlC3 | Nb4C3Tx | 48-51 | 96 | 25 | <38 | 2.242 | 3.059 | [21] |
图6 通过芳基重氮盐表面改性分离多层MXene的示意图[31]
Fig. 6 Schematic illustration for delamination process of surface modified MXene multilayers by aryl diazonium salts[31]
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