无机材料学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 1279-1288.DOI: 10.15541/jim20150652 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20150652
王 雪1, 2, 张文强1, 于 波1, 陈 靖1
王 雪(1989–), 女, 博士研究生. E-mail: wxue225@163.com
WANG Xue1, 2, ZHANG Wen-Qiang1, YU Bo1, CHEN Jing1
About author:
WANG Xue. E-mail: wxue225@163.com
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固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)和固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)电堆的电化学分析和诊断是国际上的研究难点。明确多片电堆的本征电化学反应机理和性能规律, 是SOFC/SOEC技术实用化的关键。本研究采用弛豫时间分布法(DRT)耦合阻抗谱差异分析法(ADIS)对电堆在燃料电池模式和电解池模式下的复杂电化学行为进行了研究, 通过弛豫时间解析出各个过程对应的特征峰, 区分出不同的物理化学过程。研究表明, 电堆在SOFC模式运行时, 其氢电极含水量应大于20%, 而SOEC模式运行时, 含水量应小于80%, 以最小化电池的气体扩散阻抗。本方法可应用于SOFC/SOEC电堆的分析诊断, 简化电堆测量分析的复杂性, 有助于电堆衰减机理和原因的实时诊断, 并对电堆性能提高给出理论依据和指导建议。
王 雪, 张文强, 于 波, 陈 靖. 基于DRT和ADIS的SOFC/SOEC电堆电化学阻抗谱研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2016, 31(12): 1279-1288.
WANG Xue, ZHANG Wen-Qiang, YU Bo, CHEN Jing. SOC Stack Impedance Characterization and Identification Based on DRT and ADIS Methods[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2016, 31(12): 1279-1288.
Item | Parameter |
DC current/A | 5 |
AC current/A | 2 |
Frequency range /kHz | 10 |
Number of test points | 10 |
表1 阻抗测试参数
Table 1 EIS test parameters
Item | Parameter |
DC current/A | 5 |
AC current/A | 2 |
Frequency range /kHz | 10 |
Number of test points | 10 |
Measurement | Cell-1 | Cell-2 | ||
EIS/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.18 | 0.18 |
IV/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.22 | 0.21 | 0.20 | 0.19 |
表2 阻抗谱和I-V曲线所得面电阻比较表
Table 2 Comparison of ASR tested from I-V curves & impedance spectra
Measurement | Cell-1 | Cell-2 | ||
EIS/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.18 | 0.18 |
IV/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.22 | 0.21 | 0.20 | 0.19 |
图8 阻抗与氧电极侧氧分压的关系DRT图
Fig. 8 Dependence of DRT plot on oxygen partial pressure of oxygen electrode^ (T = 700℃, SOFC mode, 80%H2 and 20% H2O in the hydrogen electrode)
图9 阻抗与氢电极侧水含量的(a) ADIS图和(b) DRT图
Fig. 9 Dependence of (a) ADIS plot and (b) DRT plot on steam content of the hydrogen electrode^(T = 700℃, SOFC mode, 0~30% H2O in the hydrogen electrode)
图10 阻抗与氢电极侧氢气流量(a)和与氢电极侧惰性载气流量(b)的DRT图
Fig. 10 Dependence of DRT plot on hydrogen flow rate of the hydrogen electrode (a), and on nitrogen flow rate of the hydrogen electrode (b)^(T = 700℃, SOFC mode, 100%H2 or 100%N2 in the hydrogen electrode)
图11 (a)氢电极侧水含量和(b)氢电极侧惰性载气含量对阻抗的影响
Fig. 11 Dependence of DRT plot on steam content of the hydrogen electrode (a) and on nitrogen flow rate of the hydrogen electrode (b)
图12 阻抗与温度关系的DRT图
Fig. 12 Dependence of DRT plot on operating temperature^(a) SOFC mode, 20%H2O in the hydrogen electrode, air in the oxygen electrode; (b) SOEC mode, 80%H2O in the hydrogen electrode, air in the oxygen electrode
图13 可逆电池的Arrhenius曲线
Fig. 13 Arrhenius plots of the reversible SOC^(a) SOFC mode; (b) SOEC mode (50%H2+50%H2O in the hydrogen electrode, air in the oxygen electrode, Temperature range: 700℃~750℃)
Process | Equivalent circuit | Frequency range /Hz | Dependencies | Physical process |
P1 | RQ | 0.01-1 | | Gas diffusion in oxygen electrode |
P2 | RQ | 1-10 | | Gas diffusion in substrate (fuel electrode) overlapped with gas conversion impedance |
P3 | Gerischer | 10-100 | | Chemical surface exchange of O2 and O2- bulk diffusion in air electrode |
P4 | RQ | 100-10000 | | Charge transfer reactions and ionic transport in YSZ and TPB |
表3 DRT特征峰对照表
Table 3 Processes identified by DRT analysis
Process | Equivalent circuit | Frequency range /Hz | Dependencies | Physical process |
P1 | RQ | 0.01-1 | | Gas diffusion in oxygen electrode |
P2 | RQ | 1-10 | | Gas diffusion in substrate (fuel electrode) overlapped with gas conversion impedance |
P3 | Gerischer | 10-100 | | Chemical surface exchange of O2 and O2- bulk diffusion in air electrode |
P4 | RQ | 100-10000 | | Charge transfer reactions and ionic transport in YSZ and TPB |
图14 SOFC模式下Cell-2和Cell-3在不同条件下的DRT曲线
Fig. 14 DRT plots of the Cell-2 and Cell-3 under different conditions in SOFC mode Change of gas composition of hydrogen electrode (a), gas composition of oxygen electrode (b) and operating temperature (c)
Before degradation | After degradation | Impedance growth rate | ||||
Cell-2 | Cell-3 | Cell-2 | Cell-3 | Cell-2 | Cell-3 | |
Ohmic resistance/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.612 | 0.471 | 1.010 | 0.485 | 65% | 3% |
Polarization impedance /(Ω·cm-2) | 1.029 | 1.066 | 2.521 | 1.511 | 145% | 42% |
表4 Cell-2和Cell-3衰减前后阻抗对比
Table 4 Comparison of the resistances of cell-2 and cell-3 before and after degradation
Before degradation | After degradation | Impedance growth rate | ||||
Cell-2 | Cell-3 | Cell-2 | Cell-3 | Cell-2 | Cell-3 | |
Ohmic resistance/ (Ω·cm-2) | 0.612 | 0.471 | 1.010 | 0.485 | 65% | 3% |
Polarization impedance /(Ω·cm-2) | 1.029 | 1.066 | 2.521 | 1.511 | 145% | 42% |
图17 衰减前后DRT图
Fig. 17 DRT plots of the cell-2 and cell-3 before and after degradation^(T=700℃, SOECmode, 100%H2 in the hydrogen electrode, air in the oxygen electrode)
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