无机材料学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 123-130.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2013.12127 CSTR: 32189.14.SP.J.1077.2013.12127
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杜 刚, 梁瑞虹, 李 涛, 卢晓蓉, 王根水, 董显林
杜 刚(1987–), 男, 博士研究生. E-mail: dugang0623@163.com
DU Gang, LIANG Rui-Hong, LI Tao, LU Xiao-Rong, WANG Gen-Shui, DONG Xian-Lin
About author:
DU Gang. E-mail: dugang0623@163.com
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压电材料通过受主掺杂或烧结挥发等可以形成缺陷偶极子, 缺陷偶极子对材料的性能有显著的影响。本文综述了压电材料中缺陷偶极子的产生及其在外场下的响应机理, 同时, 从缺陷偶极子运动的角度分析了压电材料中老化、电滞回线异常及电致形状记忆效应等现象的起源, 简要分析了偶极子弛豫现象, 并对未来发展高可靠性压电驱动器的研究作了展望。
杜 刚, 梁瑞虹, 李 涛, 卢晓蓉, 王根水, 董显林. 压电材料中缺陷偶极子特性的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2013, 28(2): 123-130.
DU Gang, LIANG Rui-Hong, LI Tao, LU Xiao-Rong, WANG Gen-Shui, DONG Xian-Lin. Recent Progress on Defect Dipoles Characteristics in Piezoelectric Materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2013, 28(2): 123-130.
图2 (a)BaTi0.98Ca0.02O2.98陶瓷压电常数d33的老化曲线[30], (b)Ba(Ti1-xFex)O3陶瓷介电常数及损耗的老化曲线[29]
Fig. 2 (a) Aging of the piezoelectric coefficient for BaTi0.98Ca0.02O2.98 ceramic after poling[30]; (b) Aging of the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss for Ba(Ti1-xFex)O3 ceramics[29]
图3 含有缺陷偶极子的压电陶瓷极化老化后的(a)电滞回线, (b)极化反转电流-电场曲线, (c)电畴反转示意图(图中P是自发极化, Ei是内偏场)[18]
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of (a) asymmetric polarization hysteresis curve (b) I-E curve (c) domain switching of aged piezoelectric ceramics containing defect dipoles (P denotes spontaneous polarization, Ei denotes internal bias field) [18]
图4 (a)[001]取向PMNT62/38-0.2Fe单晶[7]和(b)PNZTM95/5陶瓷的束腰电滞回线[7,34]
Fig. 4 Constricted double hysteresis loops of (a) [001] oriented PMNT62/38-0.2Fe crystals[7] and (b) PNZTM95/5 ceramics[7,34]
图7 电致形状记忆效应机理示意图: (a)老化后的多畴四方铁电相, (b)施加电场后的单畴结构, (c)可逆畴变产生的双电滞回线, (d)大的可回复电致应变[37]
Fig. 7 Mechanism of large electro-shape-memory by reversible domain switching in aged ferroelectrics (a) multidomain tetragonal ferroelectrics after aging (b) single-domain state by electric field E (c) double hysteresis loop (P-E curve) during reversible domain switching (d) huge electrostrain (ε-E curve) during reversible domain switching[37]
图8 老化的[001]取向BaTiO3单晶及PZN-PT单晶、PZT陶瓷的电致形变的对比示意图[13]
Fig. 8 Large electric-field-induced strain in an aged [001]- oriented BaTiO3 single crystal in comparison with the piezoelectric effect of PZT ceramics and PZN-PT single crystals[13]
图9 (a) Mn掺杂Ba0.95Sr0.05TiO3陶瓷的电致形状记忆效应与BaTiO3 及PZT的线性压电效应对比, (b) Mn掺杂的 KNbO3基压电陶瓷老化前后的电致应变[11,14]
Fig. 9 (a) Comparison of the nonlinear recoverable electrostrain in Ba0.95Sr0.05TiO3-1Mn ceramics with linear piezoelectric strain of BaTiO3 and PZT ceramics and (b) bipolar electrostrain curves for the aged and fresh Mn-doped KNbO3 based piezoelectric ceramics[11,14]
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