无机材料学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 29-39.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2013.12241 CSTR: 32189.14.SP.J.1077.2013.12241

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吴成铁, 常 江   

  1. (中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室, 上海 200050)
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-18 修回日期:2012-05-28 出版日期:2013-01-10 网络出版日期:2012-12-20
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(81201202, 81190132);中央组织部青年千人计划

Silicate Bioceramics for Bone Tissue Regeneration

WU Cheng-Tie, CHANG Jiang   

  1. (State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China)
  • Received:2012-04-18 Revised:2012-05-28 Published:2013-01-10 Online:2012-12-20
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (81201202, 81190132);Recruitment Program of Global Young Talent of China


近年来, 硅酸盐生物活性陶瓷越来越受到研究人员的重视, 其主要原因在于硅酸盐生物陶瓷能够通过释放硅(Si)离子等生物活性离子, 显著地促进骨组织细胞的增殖、分化及骨组织修复. 硅酸盐生物活性陶瓷有望作为新的陶瓷体系广泛应用于骨缺损修复和再生。本文将结合本课题组在过去十年的研究, 重点介绍目前硅酸盐生物活性陶瓷用于骨组织修复及再生的研究进展。同时, 通过与传统磷酸钙类生物陶瓷进行比较, 对硅酸盐生物活性陶瓷的优缺点进行分析和归纳, 最后对硅酸盐陶瓷作为新的生物陶瓷体系用于骨组织修复的前景做了展望。

关键词: 硅酸盐生物陶瓷, 骨修复, 磷酸钙生物陶瓷, 综述


Silicate bioceramics have received significant attention in the past several years. The main reason is that silicate bioceramics can efficiently stimulate the proliferation, differentiation and gene expression of tissue cells as well as the regeneration of bone tissue by release of Si-containing ionic products. Due to this significant advantage, silicate bioceramics, as a novel bioceramic system, have great potential to be widely used for repairing and regenerating bone tissues. In this paper, our researches in the past ten years are combined and the research advancements of silicate bioceramics are reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of silicate bioceramics are summarized by comparing with conventional calcium phosphate bioceramics. Finally, a forward-looking perspective for silicate bioceramics on the applications of bone regeneration is also discussed.

Key words: silicate bioceramics, bone repair, calcium phosphate bioceramics, review
