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孟宪林1; 祝莉1; 张怀金1; 张宏臻1; 杨兆荷1; WANG Pu2; Dawes J2; WANG Chang-Qing3; CHOW Y T3   

  1. 1. 山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室; 济南 250100; 2. CentreforLasersandApplications; MacquarieUniversity; NSW2109; Australia; 3. Department of Electronic Engineering; City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 收稿日期:1998-01-20 修回日期:1998-04-09 出版日期:1998-12-20 网络出版日期:1998-12-20

Investigation on Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F Single Crystal

MENG Xian-Lin1; ZHU Li1; ZHANG Huai-Jin1; ZHANG Hong-Zhen1; YANG Zhao-He1; WANG Pu2; Dawes J2; WANG Chang-Qing3; CHOW Y T3   

  1. 1.National Laboratory of Crystal Materials and institute of Crystal Materials; ShandongUniversity Jinan 250100 China; 2. Centre for Lasers and Applications; Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW2109, Australia; 3. Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Hongkong China
  • Received:1998-01-20 Revised:1998-04-09 Published:1998-12-20 Online:1998-12-20

摘要: 为探索和评价新型激光晶体掺钛氟磷酸银Nd:Sr5(PO43F(Nd:SFAP)在制作激光器方面的应用,对其生长、结构、光谱与激光特性及一些物理性能进行了系统研究.采用Czochralski法成功地生长出单晶;用先进的设备对所生长之晶体进行了有关测量,并进行了以激光二极管为泵浦源、该晶体为工作物质的激光实验.结果表明:晶体生长中Nd的有效分凝系数为0.52;理想的泵浦光应是806um的π偏振光,荧光寿命为175μs;泵浦阈值15mW,斜效率为31.8%研究结论为:Nd:SFAP晶体是制作小型LD泵浦激光器的理想材料,但用它制作较大功率激光器是不合适的

关键词: 掺钕氟磷酸锶, 晶体生长, 光谱, 激光特性, 激光器

Abstract: The growth, structure, spectra, laser preperties and some physical properties of a new laser crystal Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F (Nd:SFAP) were
studied in order to search and evaluate the applications of the crystal to laser. The Nd:SFAP single crystals were successfully grown by Czochralski method and the laser experiment of the crystal crystal pumped by laser diode
(LD) was demonstrated. The properties of as-grown crystal were measured by advanced equipments. Experimental results showed that Effective distribution
coeffcient Keff of Nd was 0.52. π polarization light with wavelength of 806nm was the best pumping light. The fluorescence lifetime of 2 at % Nd:SFAP
crystal was 175μs. The pumping threshold of Nd:SFAP laser was 15mW and its slope efficiency was 31.8%. From the investigation we can draw a conchusion:
the Nd:SFAP crystal is an ideal laser mateiral for lower power lasers, but it isn’t suited to be applied to higher power lasers.

Key words: Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F, crystal growth, spectrum, laser performance, laser
