无机材料学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 1074-1082.DOI: 10.15541/jim20200751 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20200751
陈 雨, 教授. E-mail: chenyuedu@shu.edu.cn; 朱钰方, 教授. E-mail: zjf2412@163.com
杨 劢(1996-), 女, 硕士研究生. E-mail: yangmai77@163.com
YANG Mai1,3(), ZHU Min1, CHEN Yu2(
), ZHU Yufang1,3(
CHEN Yu, professor. E-mail: chenyuedu@shu.edu.cn; ZHU Yufang, professor. E-mail: zjf2412@163.com
About author:
YANG Mai(1996-), female, Master candidate. E-mail: yangmai77@163.com
Supported by:
光学治疗作为一种肿瘤治疗策略具有微创、毒副作用小、治疗效率高等优势而得到广泛研究, 但单一光学治疗并不能完全消除肿瘤。新兴的二维纳米材料在光学治疗领域的优势引起了广泛关注。本研究探索了金属磷三硫族元素化合物FePS3纳米片的制备及其多功能光学治疗性能。采用高温固相法合成FePS3块体并通过超声协助的液相剥离法得到FePS3纳米片, 该纳米片的平均水合粒径小于200 nm (平均153 nm), 对1064 nm激光的光热转换效率为19.7%, 且能在660 nm激光辐照下产生活性氧。细胞实验结果表明, FePS3纳米片具有良好的光热治疗和光动力学治疗效果。因此, FePS3纳米片可同时作为光热剂和光敏剂获得光热-光动力学联合治疗肿瘤功能, 肿瘤治疗应用潜力较大。
杨劢, 朱敏, 陈雨, 朱钰方. FePS3纳米片制备及其体外光热-光动力学联合治疗性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2021, 36(10): 1074-1082.
YANG Mai, ZHU Min, CHEN Yu, ZHU Yufang. FePS3 Nanosheets: Preparation and Potential in Photothermal-photodynamic Therapy[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(10): 1074-1082.
图2 FePS3 NSs的透射电镜照片(a), PEG修饰前(b)和修饰后(c)的平均水合粒径及其分散于PBS和DMEM中的照片(插图)
Fig. 2 TEM image (a) of FePS3 nanosheets (NSs) and hydrodynamic size of FePS3 nanosheets (NSs) before (b) and after (c) PEGylation with inset showing the picture of FePS3-PEG dispersed in PBS and in DMEM
图3 FePS3 NSs的 UV-Vis-NIR漫反射光谱和估算的带隙电势(插图)
Fig. 3 UV-Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectrum of FePS3 NSs with inset showing the estimated band gap potential
图4 660 nm激光照射下FePS3 NSs与DPBF的混合液(a)和纯DPBF溶液(b)的紫外-可见吸收光谱, 以及不同反应体系的ESR光谱图(c)
Fig. 4 UV-Vis absorption spectra of the mixture solution of FePS3 NSs mixed with DPBF (1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran) (a) and DPBF solution (b) under 660 nm laser irradiation, and ESR spectra of different reaction systems (c)TEMP: a reagent used to detect 1O2. DMPO: a reagent used to detect O2•- and ∙OH
图5 不同浓度FePS3 NSs的可见-近红外吸收光谱图(a), 不同浓度(b)和不同激光功率密度(1064 nm激光)(c)条件下FePS3 NSs随时间的光热升温曲线, 以及FePS3 NSs 5次激光开闭循环辐照的温度曲线(d)
Fig. 5 Vis-NIR spectra of FePS3 NSs with different concentrations (a), photothermal heating curves for different time at different concentrations (b), and different laser power densities (1064 nm laser) (c), and photothermal curve of FePS3 NSs under 5 cycles of laser “on-off” (d)
图6 不同浓度FePS3 NSs 在1064 nm激光照射下随时间升温的红外热成像照片
Fig. 6 Thermal images of different concentrations of FePS3 nanosheets heated by 1064 nm laser irradiation for different time
图7 FePS3 NSs 在λ=1064 nm处的归一化吸收强度除以相应浓度下样品特征长度(A/L)与相应浓度的线性拟合曲线(a), FePS3 NSs经1064 nm激光辐照后冷却过程的-lnθ与时间的线性关系(b), FePS3 NSs在1064 nm激光辐照下的升温和冷却曲线及冷却过程的-lnθ与时间的线性关系(c)
Fig. 7 Linear fitting curve between normalized absorption intensity of FePS3 NSs at λ=1064 nm divided by the characteristic length of the sample at corresponding concentration (A/L) and the corresponding concentration (a), linear relationship between -lnθ and time of cooling process of FePS3 NSs after 1064 nm laser irradiation (b), heating and cooling curves of FePS3 NSs under 1064 nm laser irradiation, and linear relationship between -lnθ and time of the cooling process (c) ε, τs and η represent extinction coefficient, time constant in cooling stage, and photothermal conversion efficiency, respectively, of FePS3 NSs under 1064 nm laser irradiation
图9 与不同浓度FePS3-PEG 共孵育后对4T1细胞进行的体外光动力学治疗(a)和光热治疗(b)
Fig. 9 In vitro photodynamic therapy (a) and photothermal therapy (b) treatment of 4T1 cells after incubation with different concentrations of FePS3-PEG
图10 经不同处理后的4T1细胞活力(a)、ROS产物(b)及线粒体膜电位变化(c)的CLSM荧光照片
Fig. 10 Confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) images of 4T1 cell viabilities (a), reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (b) and changes in mitochondrial membrane potential (c) after different treatments Calcein-AM/PI, DCFH-DA and JC-1 represent methods for detecting cell viability, ROS production, and changes in mitochondrial membrane potential, respectively
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