无机材料学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 49-54.DOI: 10.15541/jim20200068 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20200068

所属专题: 副主编黄庆研究员专辑 优秀作者论文集锦

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  1. 1. 中国科学院 宁波材料技术与工程研究所 先进能源材料工程实验室(筹), 宁波 315201
    2. 西安交通大学 金属材料强度国家重点实验室, 西安 710049
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-15 修回日期:2020-07-15 出版日期:2021-01-20 网络出版日期:2020-08-28
  • 作者简介:万朋(1993-), 男, 硕士研究生. E-mail: wanpeng@nimte.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Molten Salt Assisted Synthesis of Dy3Si2C2 Coated SiC Powders and Sintering Behavior of SiC Ceramics

WAN Peng1,2,LI Mian1,HUANG Qing1()   

  1. 1. Engineering Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201, China
    2. State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China;
  • Received:2020-02-15 Revised:2020-07-15 Published:2021-01-20 Online:2020-08-28
  • About author:WAN Peng(1993-), male, Master candidate. E-mail: wanpeng@nimte.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(21671195);National Natural Science Foundation of China(51902320)


碳化硅陶瓷因自身优良的物理化学性能而具有广泛的应用前景。碳化硅的化学键结合特性决定了其难以烧结成型, 因此如何制备高质量碳化硅陶瓷是领域内的难点之一。本研究以三元稀土碳化物Dy3Si2C2作为新型SiC陶瓷的烧结助剂, 依据Dy-Si-C体系的高温相转变原位促进碳化硅的烧结致密化。采用放电等离子烧结技术, 利用金属Dy与SiC反应生成Dy3Si2C2, 对Dy3Si2C2包裹的SiC粉体进行烧结。在1800 ℃、45 MPa的烧结条件下, 得到了致密度为99%、热导率为162.8 W·m -1·K -1的高纯度碳化硅陶瓷。进一步的研究表明, 高温下Dy3Si2C2与SiC发生共晶反应, 在晶界处产生的液相促进了SiC陶瓷的致密化, 表明稀土层状碳化物Re3Si2C2 (Re=La, Ce…)有助于SiC的烧结致密。

关键词: SiC, Dy3Si2C2, 放电等离子烧结, 熔盐


Silicon carbide is widely used because of its excellent physical and chemical properties. The chemical bonding characteristics of SiC make it difficult to be sintered. Therefore, preparation of high-quality SiC ceramics is one of the challenges in SiC research field. In this study, the ternary rare-earth carbide Dy3Si2C2 was proposed as a new sintering additive for SiC ceramics, through the phase transition of Dy-Si-C system at high temperatures to promote the densification of SiC. The Dy3Si2C2 coated SiC powders were synthesized via an in-situ reaction between metal Dy and SiC in high temperature molten salts. The Dy3Si2C2 coated SiC powder was sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS), at 1800 ℃, 45 MPa. As the result, high-purity SiC ceramic with the density of 99% and thermal conductivity of 162.8 W·m -1·K -1was obtained to form the SiC-Dy3Si2C2 raw material with n(Dy) : n(SiC)=1 : 4. Further study shows that Dy3Si2C2 and SiC undergo a eutectic reaction at high temperatures, which generates liquid phase at the grain boundaries and promotes the densification of SiC ceramics. This study shows that the ternary rare-earth carbides Re3Si2C2 (Re=La, Ce…) has great potential to be used as the sintering additive for SiC.

Key words: SiC, Dy3Si2C2, spark plasma sintering, molten salt
