无机材料学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 425-432.DOI: 10.15541/jim20180299 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20180299
所属专题: 光催化材料与技术; 优秀作者论文集锦; 2019~2020年度优秀作者作品欣赏:环境材料
刘 旸(1992-), 男, 博士研究生. E-mail:18251856797@163.com
Yang LIU1,Shan YU1(),Kai-Wen ZHENG1,Wei-Wei CHEN1,Xing-An DONG2,Fan DONG2,Ying ZHOU1(
Supported by:
本实验成功制备了氮掺杂碳酸氧铋(N-Bi2O2CO3, N-BOC)/硒化镉量子点(CdSe QDs)复合光催化剂, 并将其运用于光催化降解室内空气污染物一氧化氮(NO)。X射线衍射、透射电子显微镜和光电子能谱测试结果表明N-BOC光催化剂在保持原有纳米片结构和形貌的基础上成功负载了CdSe QDs。光催化氧化NO实验结果显示CdSe QDs的引入可显著提高N-BOC的NO去除率, 并且二次毒副产物NO2生成率大幅度降低至1%, 表明复合光催化剂具有极强的毒副产物抑制特性。固体紫外漫反射吸收光谱和发光光谱测试表明CdSe QDs拓宽并提升了N-BOC的光响应范围和能力, 并有效抑制了光生电子-空穴的复合效率。通过原位漫反射傅里叶变换红外光谱技术(DRIFTS)分析, 发现在N-BOC/CdSe QDs光催化氧化NO反应过程中没有NO2信号产生, 仅观测到NO3 -相关信号。机理分析表明超氧自由基(O2 -)和光生空穴(h +)是体系中可能存在的活性物种, 实现了对NO到NO3 -的彻底氧化。
刘旸, 于姗, 郑凯文, 陈维维, 董兴安, 董帆, 周莹. N-Bi2O2CO3/CdSe量子点光催化氧化NO及原位红外光谱研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2019, 34(4): 425-432.
Yang LIU, Shan YU, Kai-Wen ZHENG, Wei-Wei CHEN, Xing-An DONG, Fan DONG, Ying ZHOU. NO Photo-oxidation and In-situ DRIFTS Studies on N-doped Bi2O2CO3/CdSe Quantum Dot Composite[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2019, 34(4): 425-432.
图2 可见光下N-BOC和N-BOC/CdSe QDs的NO降解率(a), NO2生成率(b), N-BOC/CdSe QDs (1%)样品的可见光(c)和全光谱下(d)NO循环降解图
Fig. 2 Photocatalytic removal ratio of NO (a) and generation of NO2 (b) in the presence of N-BOC and N-BOC/CdSe QDs under visible light irradiation (λ>420 nm), and photocatalytic recycling tests on N-BOC/CdSe QDs (1%) under visible light (c) and UV-Visible light (d) irradiation
图5 N-BOC和N-BOC/CdSe QDs(1%)的XPS的Bi 4f (a), O 1s (b), C 1s (c)的精细谱和价带谱(d)
Fig. 5 High-resolution XPS spectra of Bi 4f (a), O 1s (b), C 1s (c), and valance band (d) of N-BOC and N-BOC/CdSe QDs (1%) sample
图6 N-BOC和N-BOC/CdSe QDs的紫外-可见漫反射光谱图
Fig. 6 UV-Vis DRS of N-BOC and N-BOC/CdSe QDs Insets are the absorption spectrum of CdSe QDs dispersed in water (up) and enlarged spectra of N-BOC/CdSe QDs composite (down)
Species | Redox potential (NHE) | |
Potential/eV | Ref. | |
O2/?O2- | -0.28 | [30] |
NO/NO2 | 0.94 | [29] |
NO/NO3- | 1.03 | [29] |
表1 不同活性物种的氧化还原电位
Table 1 Redox potentials of different active species
Species | Redox potential (NHE) | |
Potential/eV | Ref. | |
O2/?O2- | -0.28 | [30] |
NO/NO2 | 0.94 | [29] |
NO/NO3- | 1.03 | [29] |
图8 N-BOC/CdSe QDs (1%)在暗场吸附(a), 光催化反应(b)和脱附过程中的原位红外光谱图
Fig. 8 In situ DRIFTS of NO adsorption on N-BOC/CdSe QDs (1%) before (a), during (b) and after (c) visible light illumination
Wavenumber/cm-1 | Assignment | Ref. |
935 | Bidentate nitrite | [31] |
949, 978 | Monodentate nitrate | [32-35] |
1002 | Bridge nitrate | [32-35] |
1024 | Bidentate/monodentate nitrate | [8, 32-35] |
1092, 1134 | NO | [31] |
1180 | NO- | [8,18] |
1120 | Bidentate nitrite | [18, 31] |
1262 | Monodentate nitrate | [18, 31] |
表2 NO吸附及光催化过程中关于红外峰的归属
Table 2 Assignments of the IR bands observed during NO adsorption and photocatalysis over N-BOC/CdSe QDs
Wavenumber/cm-1 | Assignment | Ref. |
935 | Bidentate nitrite | [31] |
949, 978 | Monodentate nitrate | [32-35] |
1002 | Bridge nitrate | [32-35] |
1024 | Bidentate/monodentate nitrate | [8, 32-35] |
1092, 1134 | NO | [31] |
1180 | NO- | [8,18] |
1120 | Bidentate nitrite | [18, 31] |
1262 | Monodentate nitrate | [18, 31] |
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